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"Lei? Have you registered already for the SATs?"

"I actually am." I answered Anna. "I did it like two days ago. You?"

"I'm doing it today. I need to get that done because knowing me..."

"You'll forget."

"Exactly." We both laughed.

Sitting at our usual spot during lunch, our final term, so to speak, was in full swing. Kareem was back to his busy self where getting his scholarship was concerned, Josh and Elijah were doing their basketball stuff so it was just Anna and myself most days.


"What's up?" Anna gave me her attention.

"Do you plan on doing any activities or joining any clubs when you go off to college?"

"Yeah. I might, why?"

"No specific reason. I was just wondering if I should."

"If you do decide, make sure it's Gymnastics or Tennis, or both." She smiled.

"Why?" I asked genuinely.

"Because those two are your passions. The way you used to speak about them, I knew it. It just sucks what those girls did you but I never said anything, just hoped you'd find your way back to them."

"Oh wow. I didn't know you felt that way about it."

"I mean, anything that makes my bestie happy, I'm all for but I'm not going to force you to do it because I know how you shut down."

"Yeah. Thanks."


"Being an amazing friend. You really do balance me out." I laughed lightly. "You and Kareem."

"We compliment each other's personalities in our own way." She shrugged and smiled.

"Wassup love."

Slightly startled by Josh's sudden appearance behind me, he then kissed me on my cheek.

"Hi babe." I smiled as he sat next to me.

"Anna, Elijah said to check him in the library."

"I just saw his text. Thanks." She smiled as she packed up. "Lei, I'll see you in class."

"Yeah." I agreed as she left.

"Any lunch for me?" Josh smirked.

Sitting sideways, he moved closer to me as I took out his lunch and handed it to him.

"Thank you mama." We shared a kiss. "What y'all was talking bout?"

"You minding your business." I smirked.

"Ouch." He held his chest faking.

Giggling, I then asked him how their meeting with coach went.

"So you're really not going to tell me?"

"Babe that conversation was between Anna and myself. I don't have to tell you everything we speak about." I patted his cheek.


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