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"So are you okay with that?"

"Yes sis. That way I can focus on clothes for our prom."

"Okay great. Would you like to come with me to get something though?"

"You know I wouldn't say no to that."

Waiting on Anna in the cafeteria, I told Kareem that I was buying my dress for Josh's school prom instead. Though we still had a couple months to go, I didn't want to get stuck nor did I want him to be rushing.

"Still going with red?" He asked.

"It's on the table but it depends on what I see and like." I shrugged.

"But didn't your man specifically request red?" He chuckled.

"He did but Josh knows I'd go with what I like and he won't object."

"That is true." We both laughed.

"What's so funny?"

Putting our attention on her, Anna sat down with her tray. Explaining to her the conversation, she nodded.

"What are we doing about Mexico clothes?" She asked.

"My Shein cart is full." I laughed. "Just for me to hit checkout."

"Same." They both said.

Everything for Mexico was going as planned. Our flights were booked, our Airbnb was paid for and we had a few activities booked as well. At this point, it was just to land and let the fun begin.

"What's y'all plans for the summer otherwise?" Anna asked.

"I'm hoping more traveling." I answered.

"Ouuu!" Kareem shot up. "I have an idea."

"And that is?"

"How about, we do a final trip to Europe with me?"

"I don't think my parents would be okay with that." Anna spoke.

"Well they can come." He shrugged. "I'm gonna talk to my parents and we can make it a families thing. I mean our families are already a unit as is."

"I don't mind talking to my parents."

"Not yet. Let me talk to mine first and let them call y'all own."

"Okay." I laughed at his excitement.

Truthfully, I'd love to go to Europe so I'm hoping it all works out. As we continued eating, both Josh and Elijah showed up. As Elijah sat, I looked at Josh.

"You're not having lunch?" I asked.

"Nah babe. I gotta go get Caitlyn. Her school called momma saying she ain't feeling too good and momma can't get away."

"Oh. Okay." I nodded.

"I'll be back for you and Siah." He then kissed me.

"No problem."

Sharing one more kiss, I watched as he left. Resuming my lunch, Anna was filling Elijah in on the possible Europe trip.

"That's cool though. Think I can get in on that?" He asked Kareem.

"Because I like you and you make my good sis happy, sure." Kareem said with his attitude.

Laughing, as they got back to their conversation, I got out a new book I was reading and resumed where I had left off.

"Look y'all. Her man's gone so she's reverted." I heard.

Looking up, I saw all three of them staring at me. Asking 'what', they just smirked as I shook my head.

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