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"So we're not doing any HBCUs?"

Giving Anna my attention, I wiped the sides of my mouth while I finished chewing.

"You know that isn't my thing Anna. Plus, as good as they are, I want the best. Stanford is third in the US and second in California where medical and sciences are concerned."

"Whose the first?"

"In the US, Harvard. Cali, Uni of Southern Cali. I don't want to be in Boston and USC is my post grad choice because they have dual masters and doctorate programs."

"Oh okay. Well I know you to want the best so I support you."

"Thank you. HBCUs are great for the overall African American and I understand what they stand for but it's not for me."

"I wish I could say the same."

"Anna I've told you already to talk to your parents. Let them know where you want to go. Not because your mom and her sisters went to Spelman, mean you have to go."

"It's a generational thing and you know this. Even my cousins went there and I'm next."

"So you rather be miserable all in the name of a generational thing. How many of your cousins wanted to go there?"

"None of them."

"And how are they now?"


"You're to beautiful to be bitter."

"I'll talk to my dad, he's the easiest."

"Thank you Because I'm tryna see my best friend cross that University of Massachusetts stage."

"I wanna cross it too." She fake cried.

"Hey y'all."

Looking up, Elijah stood there smiling.

"Hey." Anna smiled.

Moving around so he can sit across from her, I smirked at how they were being. Within the past week, they've gotten more comfortable being around each other. From what Anna had told me, they were just dating and seeing how things went because they didn't want to rush it.

After their second date at a Thai food restaurant, which Anna loves, they've been doing pretty good and I was happy for my friend.

"This seat taken?"

Seeing Josh sit next her, across from me, I shook my head and chuckled.

"Why ask if you knew you were going to sit."

"Because you took to long to say." He shrugged. "I see the love birds have zoned out."

"Yup." I bit into my panini.

"What you got there?"

"A turkey panini."

"Pa what?"

"It's a grilled sandwich." I laughed.

"You made it?"

"Yeah. You want to try it?"


Sliding him the other half of my sandwich, he took his knife and cut piece. With Elijah and Anna being a somewhat thing, Josh and I was sort of forced into being around each other, outside of being Literature partners. We had a general discussion about it and thankfully were on the same page where being acquaintances was concerned.

"That tastes good."


"You can have a slice of my pizza if you wish." He offered.

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