02 - Birthday Bumps

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It was my birthday. I'd turned twenty five. It had been ten weeks since Dad had died. I wished he were alive. So I could kill him myself for putting me in this jam.

I stared at Ren in disbelief. I then looked at the stack of business cards on the table.

"Party Poopers? Are you serious? Good Lord, Ren! I asked you to write it down for the printing guy."

"I did write it down for him. He must have misread it or something" said Ren plaintively, looking everywhere but at me.

"Misread it? We're party planners called 'Party Poopers'. Kill me now." I massaged my temples.

The world's greatest hangover sent its regards along with a splitting headache. This day just kept getting better.

Our strategy of learning the ropes of the business on the fly had not taken off the ground yet. We were struggling to find clients, and didn't know what to do with them even if we did get any.

Suddenly I felt the wind whoosh out of my lungs. "Happy birthday, Bro! I need five hundred bucks" trilled Pear, giving me a tight hug from behind.

As I said, the day just kept getting better. "Do you mind not screeching into my ears and assaulting me this early in the day, while robbing me blind?"

"Wow! You are as eloquent as you are lovely. What's got your panties in a bunch this merry morning?" said Pear, unruffled and eminently composed as she strolled to the kitchen and started getting breakfast.

She poured muesli and milk into two bowls and brought them both to the drawing room where Ren and I were standing. She handed one bowl to me and leaned casually against the doorframe.

"Aren't we supposed to be 'Party Poppers'? Although, if you ask me, Poppers or Poopers, either way it's pretty pathetic."

Ren glared at his twin. Whoever said twins are soulmates was clearly an only child.

"It is a slight misspelling that will be corrected as soon as I get hold of the printer. Nothing to worry about" he added hurriedly with a nervous glance at me.

"Nothing to worry about? What the hell do we do with the thousand pooper cards we got printed for ourselves? This is a nightmare. Crappy birthday to me."

No use pretending I was chipper.

The doorbell rang. I could already sense it was just more good news.

Pear opened the door and let out a low whistle. I looked up to see the receiver of her appreciation.

He was tall, great body, good hair, nice smile, all dimples and sparkling teeth. He had a bouquet in his hands and it was addressed to me.

"With compliments and best wishes from Messrs Sakdan" he said, walking to where I was standing.

I didn't like the way he strolled casually in. I thought courier boys were supposed to stand at the door, bouncing on the balls of their feet, just waiting for the customer to sign so that they could catch a quick smoke before the next delivery.

This guy seemed too cocky and sure of himself for my liking.

"Where do I sign?"

"You can sign right here if you like, I wouldn't mind" he said with a quick wink and a cheeky smile, flexing his biceps.

Pear laughed. Of course, I could always count on my sister to watch my back.

Ren, on the other hand, puffed up like a penguin, "Listen you, why don't you measure the steps back to the door and we'll all carry on with our lives."

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