Chapter 51

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Y/n's pov

I panted as I was hiding behind a tree waiting. I sighed and sat down when I knew it was gone. Once I was good, I got back to finding Zalgo.

"C'mon, how far is he...?", I made sure not to step on anything suspicious. I stepped on a rock and it bit my foot, so anything is suspicious. I stopped and looked around me.

I miss everyone...

I shook my head and kept walking. Just gotta make sure I don't die! How long have I been in here?

I looked up at the foggy sky. 

I'd say it's 12, maybe 1? I kept walking, ignoring all the screaming and screeching around me. I noticed as the eye also seemed to move a little more erratic.

I think I'm getting closer?

I looked up. I started to see an opening coming up ahead. I slowly made my way there. Once I was there, I hid and peeked from behind a tree. I saw Zalgo sitting on a throne out in the open. The ground was concrete around him.

Some demons were standing around him. I just decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"HaVe ANy bEEn foUnD yEt?",

"No sir",

"NoT EVen thE humAN? HOw can yOu NOt FinD tHat HuMan!?", I got a name bitch...

"We're doing our best sir!", ok, I just need to stab him with this. I sighed and went behind the tree.

I need a plan...

I was stopped when some roots wrapped around my foot. Something moved right behind me too. I turned around and was met by a huge eye ball.

"Uh...", the tree blinked at me and then veins came out. Before I knew it, I was flung into the air. I heard a lot of cracks when I landed into a pile of bones. I heard some running so I quickly got out.

I stopped I saw what looked like a regular person in front of me.

"Hi?", their face split in two and then it screeched. The thing on my hand sliced it in half. "Thanks for the save!", I dodged a hellhound and started to run from some huge demons.

I just kept dodging them.

"Zalgo! C'mon buddy! Call off your dogs!", I saw him just sitting with a smirk on his face. I can't believe my cover was blown by a fucking tree!! I fell backwards when someone jumped right in front of me. The first thing I saw were goat legs.

My shoulder was stabbed. Someone grabbed me by the shoulders and then I was slammed onto the ground. I saw a few demons looking down at me.

"WeLl wELl WelL, a RaT wAs cAUghT",

"Well well well, I see a little bitch", he stomped right next to my head, killing a demon in the process.

"I'm GonNA hAve So muCh fUn KIllinG yOU",

"I'm gonna have quite the fun actually",

"Is tHAt So?", I smiled and let the dagger go crazy. It immediately stabbed his foot and latched onto him. He screeched and kicked me away.

I tried getting up but was immediately kicked back down.

"WHerE dId yOu GEt ThIs!?",

"My lips are sealed", I felt him stomp on my back. "Can't do much torture when the victim can't feel pain",

"WHAT!?", oh, he's mad. I saw a pretty big sword appear out of nowhere. He grabbed it and raised it above his head. "I DoN't nEeD yOu AlIve",

"Hey! Hold on a second!!", before it can touch me, I was pulled away. Yes! Thank you plot armor!

I looked up and saw Slendy.


"You look like shit", I flipped Hoodie off.

"Shove it up your ass! You guys took forever!!", Slendy put me down gently.

"Check her injuries", EJ, Nurse Ann and Dr. Smiley came up to me. Hunter came and gave me a hug.

"YoU'rE All dEad!!", I saw some random demons start appearing. Before I knew, my sleeve was ripped off and my wound was stitched up. Slender grabbed my shoulder and like before, I felt a zap.

"Everyone, get ready", I shivered once I heard the laughter from before. I looked behind us and saw the creature from before.

Shit is about to go down.


Hey everyone! Took a little to update but I got it done! And yes, shit is about to go down. Anywho, wanted to everyone know that around next update, there's gonna be Hunter fanart!


Also, I will say too that I am still moving, I know that it's been said for a while but my parents are now buying and flipping houses. They work pretty fast actually, I've moved 3 times since the beginning of this year, in between we stayed in hotels.

In advance, I apologize for taking a while on updating, I'd just like to let you guys know what's going on. Anywho, question for today,

How do you feel about Hunter?

That's all,


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