Chapter 32

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Y/n's pov

I stared out the window as Hunter drove away. Zalgo was talking about something but, I wasn't listening to him.

"-anD ThAT wAs thE FirST tIMe i KiSSed a HumAN. ArE yoU EVen liSTenINg!?",


"YoU rEAllY aRe DisReSPectfUl!!", I nodded.

"Nice. Good for you", I heard him growl.

"YoU RealLy are A bAD pEt", I felt my eye twitch. I looking at him and saw him smirking.

"At least I don't look like a crusty ass piece of shit that you'd find in a pig pen", I heard him growl again.

"YoU reALlY shOUldN't TalK tO me lIKe tHat!",

"Or what!? You're going kill me? I really wouldn't mind, or maybe you're gonna eat my soul. At least it'd be better than listening to a thousand year old demon talking about how he finally grew some balls to go and kiss a girl. I'd get along way better with the souls you fucking ate than with you're crusty ass", I felt him grab my throat and pull me closer to him. He was glaring at me.

"THat tOnguE oF YouRS reALLy NeeDs To Go", I can't believe I'm gonna do this but oh well, fuck it. I smirk and got a little closer to him and whispered.

"Choke me harder daddy...", I saw his face actually get red and he let me go. I started laughing and hugging onto Doggo. I saw Hunter was also blushing but he also looked a bit mad. Is he jealous? Probably.

"YOu rEalLY arE a DisgUStinG HumAN",

"Says the one who's face actually went red. To be honest, I thought you'd get mad not flustered. I would've thought that a demon like you wouldn't be a virgin", I heard him scoff.

"FoR Your inForMatiOn! I hAve cHilDRen!",

"So you're nickname is daddy?", I laid my head on Doggo's.

"WAs thAT SeriOUsly yOuR firST tHOughT!?", I shook my head.

"How'd you get laid? How many kids you got? And what's your body count?",

"I DoN't nEEd to anSWeR ThaT!!", I shrugged and looked out the window. I heard him sigh. "FiNe, I-",

Out of nowhere, the car was hit by something making us start to flip over.

"OH SHIT!!", I held Doggo close to me. I felt my head hit the window. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. I felt myself standing. I opened my eyes and saw that we were on the street. I heard Zalgo start to laugh.

"YOu reAllY tHOugHt That'D woRK?", I saw Candy walk out from the shadows of the trees. He grinned and swung his mallet over his shoulders.

"I did actually, guess it didn't", I saw Jason walking out the shadows and stopping next to Candy. He smiled and pointed at me.

"We're here to retrieve Y/n, if you'd so kindly give her back", I felt Hunter pull me towards him.

"No way you're getting Y/n after I finally got her for myself", I could see a crazy look in his eye when he said that. I shivered and looked at Doggo. I heard laughing coming from behind us.

"You really are obsessed, hahaha. It's really pathetic, you know? Hehe", LJ was behind us.

"So ThE cLoWN hAs jOIneD uS as WelL. tHis Will bE fUN", I slowly looked up at Zalgo.

"Is the little demon getting excited for a foursome?", I heard the other three snicker as Zalgo looked at me with wide eyes.

"WIll yOU shUt uP aLreADy!?", I smirked. I put Doggo down and put my hand over my mouth.

"What's wrong? Am I getting to noisy for you? Do you want a gag me?", I saw Doggo jump into Jason's arms. I saw Zalgo's face go red again but he still looked mad.

"SHut uP!! YoU'Re sUCh a PerVerTeD HumAN!!", Hunter put his hand over my mouth then he whispered.

"I'll gag you right in front of everyone", I looked at him confused. What's he mean by that? I saw him smirk and then he forced his fingers in my mouth. I heard running and then Candy came into view. He had his mallet raised and a crazy look in his eyes. Just as he was about to hit Hunter, Zalgo grabbed it and pulled Candy away from us. I bit Hunter's fingers hard. "I love the pain you give me...",

I fucking forgot he's a masochist!! I gasped for air when he finally got his fingers out. He wrapped one of his arms around me and pulled out his gun and aimed at LJ. I hit his hand and tackled him.

"Sorry Hunter, you're staying down though!", I noticed him just looking at me.

"I love the view from down here",

"Hey! Being pervy sometimes is my thing! Full on perv is Offender...", Jason came and crouched down next to me. Hunter flipped us over and punched Jason. Doggo barked and bit Hunter's hand. Hunter threw him off him.

"I never liked that mutt", I punched his face and kicked him off me. I got pulled by the cuffs. Jason grabbed my wrist and Hunter's and broke the cuffs. Just as Hunter tried to grab me, Jason pushed me away and grabbed Hunter's wrist. I got up and went to go get Doggo. "Y/N!! COME BACK HERE!!!", I picked up Doggo and turned around.

Jason is beating up Hunter. LJ and Candy are fighting Zalgo. I grabbed the gun and checked how much ammo was in it. Three other bullets. He did use the other three to kill the three dead children. Who should I shoot? I smirked while getting an idea. I pulled the hammer back and aimed. Once I knew I got it, I shot once.

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