A/n: wish me luck on the Klee banner...
_________________________________________3rd pov
As EJ and LJ were trying to figure out how to help Y/n, Slenderman and Zalgo were both dealing with each other.
Zalgo sliced at Slender's barrage of his tendrils, each one breaking the ground where it lands.
"YouR FIghtInG sTYLe sTilL HasN't cHAngEd",
"And yet, you still can't defeat me", Zalgo glared at him before chuckling.
"I gUeSS so bUt, yOu CAn't FiGHt mE, pRoTEct yOur bRAts aNd CLosE tHE gAteS At ThE saMe tiME",
"I suppose so but, I will get the satisfaction of killing you", a sound of something being torn was heard. Slender showed a mouth with a row of thin sharp teeth.
"GEttIng sErIOus-", he was cut of by a loud ringing noise in his head. After a bit, he started laughing. He shook his head. "SomEThIng As weAk as ThAt wON't wOrk", he suddenly appeared in front of his old friend. He slashed at him only for his enemy to disappear into black smoke. He chuckled and turned around.
"You seem to overestimate yourself to much",
"I ALWays fORgeT tHAt yOuR aLL aboUT mINd GamES", he smirked and snapped his fingers. He set the battle field on fire and launched himself forward. "Your MinD gAMes aRe aNNoyIng bUt I kNOw yoU unDeREstImaTe mE",
He looked to the side and immediately attacked. He sliced the tendrils and grabbed Slender by the throat and slammed him into the ground.
He smiled widely as his arm got ripped apart by Slender's tendrils. He stabbed the ground, Slender was gone.
The fire disappeared, Slender was standing a few feet away, Zalgo's drops of blood burned his suit.
"yoU can'T KiLl mE",
"That's quite an observation", Zalgo pulled out his sword and smirked at Slender.
"DOn't tHInk I diDn'T sEe thE liTtLE huMAns wEapoN", Slender just stared at him.
~squiggly line~
Y/n's pov
I was walking behind the reaper. He was showing me my memories but I really didn't care. They're my memories, I remember them.
At least I knew my mom was hot and my dad was a bitch. I would've loved to have met her though, she seemed pretty nice. I think her and sister Penny would have gotten along.
I looked up at the current memory. Just me walking around, being homeless, this was two years after the orphanage incident. Oh man, I'm built like a twig.
"I'm assuming you don't really care about going through your life again? We can end it here if you'd like",
"Who said that? Keep going, we going through these memories", I heard a sigh and we kept going. I just looked down again.
I miss Doggo, I hope they put him somewhere safe. Probably left him with Splendy.
Wonder how everyone's doing...
Hunter better have left though!
"You know...", I saw my memories paused. I looked at the reaper.
"You're bad luck",
"Fuck me if I'm wrong but did you think I didn't know that, besides, why you being a bitch and just saying that?", I crossed my arms.
"Well, I kind of noticed, everyone you know dies",
"Bitch what?",
"I mean, you're friend in that orphanage jumped of the roof of that place, everyone in there died cause of you, that random old guy who let you stay at his place died, you shot your other friend and it looks like your other friends are going to die here with you",
"Fuck man, you didn't have to say it like that...", what's up with this bitch?
"You don't like the truth? I mean, it seems like it's better with you being dead now",
"Chill out man! Why you being so salty!?", I heard him chuckle.
"Just imagine, if you actually survive this, what happens next? Your friends are gonna be dead and you'll be known as the person who opened hell's gates! It's your fault now that the human race will go extinct!", he's right but, he don't gotta be so salty about it. "You're better off dead",
This man really just crossing line...
"Oi bitch, who are you to tell me that. I really don't like your attitude, get the fuck out of here before I get rid of you myself", I saw my memory suddenly get cracked.
The fuck?
I covered my face when it shattered. I started hearing laughing all over the place.
I got pulled by my waist by something and then I was slammed through a door into a random place. I looked around.
My house?
"Lord Zalgo gave me the task to keep your soul from leaving your body, he says he wants your soul to torture all he wants but that doesn't mean I can't have my fun while he kills your friends!", my soul? Oh! That's good then!
"Thanks man! Means that's more time for me to stay alive and get back into the fight!", a loud burst of laughter was heard. My windows broke and I was thrown at a wall.
"You really don't understand the situation your in!? Guess I'll just break your mind before Zalgo can!", I sighed and got up.
"Get this through your fucking head you fucking rat shit, you're in my body, I already said that these are my fucking memories!!",
"I'm in control of everything in here!! You can't do anything!!",
"From what I remember, I don't take shit from demons, I can't feel pain and I have a super badass weapon that kills pricks like you! I don't think you understand that your stuck in here with me", I could feel my arm move on it's own. Spikes flew everywhere.
Can't actually kill this thing if it's keeping me alive...
I'll just play along with this guy's ego I guess...
creepypasta x Tomboy reader
FanfictionThere's a new killer in town, but no one knows who it is. No one would suspect the only survivor from the burned orphanage. He's quiet, good looking, skilled but most of all he is a she! XD I suck at descriptions!