Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov

I took the gun away from the guys head and literally threw him at the tendrils. He hit the faceless guy. I dodged a knife coming towards my head. Then I got tackled by a girl with a black dress, black eyes, pale skin, and black hair. Might I say, she is mighty fine! I put an arm around Doggo and kicked the girl in the stomach.

"Guys stop!", I aimed the gun at everyone in front of me. I noticed the faceless guy staring at me.

"Why'd you bring a fucking human here!?", everyone looked at Ben.

"Because this is the human I was looking for", everyone then looked at the faceless dude and then at me.

"Are you talking about the human that was in the forest yesterday?",

"Yes, they were also the one that helped EJ",

"Yep, that was me! How'd you know?", I aimed the gun at him. Everyone else got ready to attack. He put his hand up, then everyone lowered their weapons.

"I would like to talk to you privately, without any weapons",

"Fine", I let the clip fall on the floor, then I tossed the gun to Ben. I walked up to the faceless dude. He grabbed my shoulder and then we were in an office. How did he do that?

"It's a power I have, now I'd like to discuss what we want from you", he walked to the desk and sat down.

"I know already, you want help in a war from some demon dude called Zalgo, am I right?", I sat down on the seat across the desk.

"Yes, it seems Ben has already told, so what is your answer",

"I came here cause Ben already asked me, I said yeah and then I got attacked so I'm starting to rethink it", I started petting Senior Doggo since he kept licking my mask.

"I do apologize for the behavior of the household, they are not used to visitors, but if we do not win this war, there will be mass chaos in any surrounding areas, and your little friend there will probably not make it", did he just bring Senior Doggo into this! How dare he! I guess I can help out a little though. I hugged Doggo and laid my chin on his head gently. I guess I'll do it. I looked at the faceless dude again.

"I'll do it",

"Excellent, your help is very much appreciated",

"I do want something though",

"And that is?",

"My motorcycle to be repaired since the guy in the yellow hoodie shot my wheel", he sighed.

"Yes, of course we'll fix it", I smiled, even though he couldn't see it cause of my mask.

"Thanks dude!", I don't know this guys name actually. Now that I think about it, he kinda reminds me of something. What is it though? Tall, faceless, has tendrils... WAIT! I jumped out of my seat and got a knife out. "Are you that perverted octopus!?",


"Don't lie to me!", I pointed my knife at him.

"You must be mistaken",

"Who else looks like you!?",

"Oh, you seem to have met my brother, what did you call him, 'perverted octopus', yes, my brother is like that", he has a brother!?

"I have three other brothers", Ben told me his name once. What was it!? Offended? Offensive? Offender? Offender!

"Your brothers name is Offender, what's yours?",

"Excuse my manners, my name is Slenderman",

"Nice to meet you, I guess, names Y/n",

"So you're the Y/n my brother was talking about",

"He talks about me!?",

"Yes, he does a lot, it's only a phase until he finds someone else, try to ignore him", how can I ignore that!? I guess I'll try. I started scratching Doggo's ears and head. Now what?

"Hey, um, Slenderman, what now?", he stood up.

"I'll introduce you to everyone",

"Ok", he grabbed my shoulder again and then we were back in the living room. Everyone was still there. I felt a few glares at me. Who gives a fuck if they're looking at me though!

"Everyone, this is Y/n and they'll be helping us in the war", I want to see if anyone of them can find out that I'm a girl actually. Why do I feel like Slenderman knows. I looked up at him and noticed he kinda just nodded at me. Oh. Cause he does.

"Why are we gonna need their help!?", some girl with a clock eye kinda just glared at me. Wow, I got haters already. Nice!

"Zalgo has an army, we'll need all the power we can get to defeat that army", I literally just ignored everyone now since I just started playing with Doggo. I felt a tug at my pants. I looked down and noticed a little girl with blood coming from her head.


"Can I pet your doggie?",

"Sure", I sat down on the floor so I could get to the girls height. I took him out the carrier and let her hold him. He started licking her face. She started giggling and petting him.

"What's their name?",

"His name is Senior Doggo",

"He's so cute! Where'd you find him?", I guess if everyone here kills, I guess it wouldn't mind if I told her.

"I got him after I killed this girl and burned her house down",

"Did you know he was inside the house?",

"No, he was inside a box in the living room",

"Aww, poor Doggo",

"I know", Doggo jumped of her and then jumped on me. "What's your name?", I looked at her while petting Doggo.

"My name's Sally",

"Cute name",

"Thanks!", she smiled at me. Nice kid. I felt a few glares go away. No! My haters are leaving. Oh well. There was a knock on the front door. I felt someone else walk up to me. It was the guy with the blue mask.

"Hey, I wanted to say thanks",

"No problem",

"Y/n, is that you~?", no fucking way! I picked up Doggo and turned around. I felt him wrap his long arms around me. "It is you~", Doggo bit on of his tendrils. He dropped me. "Stupid mutt!", I headbutted him in a spot he should probably get used to.

"I'm out! Ben!", Offender was holding his genitals. I grabbed Ben's hand and threw us both through the TV. I landed on my back so I didn't squish Doggo.


"You good?",




"I still got some junk food",

"I'll get the games started",


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