Part 47- Too Early

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I was eating breakfast downstairs with mother and Narcissa when I felt a shot of pain through my stomach. I grabbed hold of my stomach tightly waiting for the pain to ease. When it had stopped I told my Mother and Narcissa I'm going upstairs.

Walking up the steps I had another sharp, shooting pain in my stomach a lot worse than the first, since it was worse I had fell all the way down the stairs, Draco came out of his room because he had heard a thump, as he was looking for me he saw me on the floor.

Seeing y/n on the floor for me worried I shut my door and ran down the steps to her, I picked her up in my arms to see her crying silently with her hand on her stomach, I placed her on the couch and shouted my mother over. When she had got here she had placed her hand in y/n's stomach and said she'd be okay.

I felt relieved. Y/n stood up carefully as I helped her walk around.

After Narcissa had confirmed I was okay I stood up and walked about, I went into the library because I wanted to read to try and take my mind of the pain I was having. I sat down with a muggle book called Romeo and Juliet, and started reading it.

I had gotten too chapter 10 as I felt a liquid release it's self, I looked to see my water had broke as I grabbed my stomach in excruciating pain "MOTHER, NARCISSA, DRACOO!!" I yelled trying not to scream. They all came running in as they got to me I said "my water has broke" they all shared concerned looks as I screamed in pain my mother said to Narcissa "I'm sure she has a week left doesn't she?" Narcissa replied with a nod but said "we still need get her to the hospital now".

Draco had picked me up bridal style and didn't let go while he waited for my mother to get the hospital bags. I was sobbing silently because of the pain as we all appearated to the nearest hospital.

They got me into a room within a second as the doctors came in. "Y/n can you choose one person to stay with you while we check how far you are" I nodded and chose Draco. Narcissa and My mum had left to go back to the manor just to leave me and Draco. "You're 8cm at the moment so we have to wait a while okay y/n?" I nodded as they left.

Seeing y/n like this killed me but made me chuckle at the same time since I did put her in this position, she has noticed me chuckling as he slapped me playfully "owwwww" I said sarcastically as I kissed her on the lips. "Your going to do this baby trust me we'll get through this together, even if that means you break my hand" she laughed at me as she put her hand on top of mine. We was talking for ages while she was still having contractions.

The doctors came back in and said she had reached 10cm so it was time for her to give birth, I shot her a worried look as she nodded her head reassuringly telling me that she'll be okay I breathed deeply as the midwife came.

Being told I was ready to give birth I think I physically shit myself but I remained calm as the midwife came in, she hand me tube which she said I had to breath in and out of to keep me calm, it was laughing gas. The midwife said "right y/n on the count of three I need you to give me a big push okay?" I nodded "1, 2, 3," I pushed like she said as I started screaming and squeezing Draco's hand, she told me to push again and I did so, still screaming, her and Draco had kept reassuring me as the midwife said "right y/n I can see the head so I need a few more pushes, 1. 2. 3."  I pushed once again as she said another push, I pushed as my screams had gotten louder and louder each time. "One last push y/n then it's all over, make sure it a big push though" I nodded and pushed, the screams I had given sounded like I was being murdered as I heard Scorpius cry. I felt so relieved. I finally had my baby boy.

Draco had gotten the advantage to cut Scorpius' umbilical cord and I agreed with the midwife as she brought Scorpius over. Draco got handed the scissors and cut his umbilical cord, causing Scorpius to cry. His face went white thinking he did it wrong, he looked at me and I nodded telling him he was okay. After cleaning Scorpius up the midwife handed him to me as me and Draco both started crying. He was asleep in my arms so I carefully handed him to Draco as he wanted to hold him.

When I passed him Scorpius he rocked him while saying "shh shh shh shh mummy and daddy's here" I was mesmerised with how good he actually was with him especially when it was his first time holding a baby. I took Scorpius of him whilst he opened his eyes it was the same piercing grey colour as Draco had, I smiled as I held him close and told Draco to look at his eyes. He did so and I saw Draco's face light up, he was in love with him I could tell and it made me so happy.

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