Part 48- Welcome Home

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I got discharged from the hospital after spending a few nights there just to make sure I was okay as well as Scorp (his nickname). Leaving them doors I felt fresh air again as I intertwined my fingers with Draco while he carried Scorp in his carrier. I held onto to Scorp as Draco passed him to me while saying we was appearating, I stood there mouth open but was snapped out my thoughts as I felt the twisting and turning feeling.

I landed in front of the Manor running to the nearest bush and throwing up. Draco had held my hair back while Scorp was in his other hand I sighed heavily as I said "ever since I've had Scorp I've been throwing up" Draco looked at me concerned but reassuring, as he held my hand and took me into the house.

Stepping through the large black doors I was distracted by big blue balloons around the room with a banner that had said "Welcome Home" I smiled cheerfully as I hugged everyone. They all was pushing me to see Scorpius as I grabbed him and carefully handed him to everyone, it was Narcissa's turn and she gasped while saying "oh merlin he's got Draco's eyes and y/n's hair" she smiled in awe as I chuckled as she handed him back to me ushering me upstairs with Draco carrying all the stuff.

Entering Scorp's room I beamed with happiness as I saw Pans, Daph, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. I placed Scorp in his crib and ran to them bringing them all into a tight embrace, when we pulled away I heard Scorpius crying as I ran to him and picked him up gently rocking him as he calmed down within seconds, I looked up to see everyone's faces in an 0' shape I raised my eyebrow as both Pans and Daph said "how in merlin have you managed to calm him down like that y/n" I chuckled and replied with a simple "I guess I have a special touch" as Draco came behind me and snaked his hands around my waist making me go red.

I handed Draco Scorp and sat down in our room talking to everyone while I was snuggled with Draco while Scorpius was on his chest, sleeping peacefully. I smiled at them and turned back round talking to them all.

Hours had passed and everyone had held Scorpius, Theo was so careful with him being so small and I just laughed once he smiled at me. It was time for them to go, I waved bye to them all as Draco did too and went back into the house, while my mother and Father was waiting to see Scorpius, they had work so they couldn't see him as soon as I got home. I quick-walked over it them hugging each of them with an arm as I handed my mother Scorp. Her smile made the full room in shock, I had never seen my mother smile like this. She kept on smiling widely as she passed him to my father "hello little one, I promised my daughter I'd give you my protection and that I am doing so" my father said while chanting the spell "Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri". My father had finished and I looked at him with tears in my eyes as he held Scorpius up to his forehead and kissed his nose ever so lightly.

Hours went by once again and it was time for bed, I have Scorp his night feed as I rocked, burped and changed him before putting him to sleep with his dummy and blanket, within seconds the blanket moved over his face luckily keeping his air-ways clear, I breathed happily to the fact I had an actual family with Draco, we had a few arguments here and there but we always made up the same day, in all honesty he wouldn't leave my side and neither did I. As I thought this I felt a pair of strong cold hands wrap round my waist kissing my neck, I looked to see Draco, I smiled at him and went of to bed.

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