Tommy Shepard

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I have no idea what's going on anymore. Today's already been hectic has fuck but now... i really don't get it. The names Y/N. Y/N Jenson and i'm a part of the Runaways and a lot of shit just happened. For one thing, my team and i almost got arrested at a peaceful farmers market on what seemed to be a normal day, then all of a sudden this team of lunatic east-coasters breaks in and starts talking about a new Civil War full of superhero's.

"So what are we...friends now?" Mollie says.
"Yeah, I guess" Tommy responds, annoyed, but seeming to be the only teen listening to the 12 year old.
"Hey, what are your powers?" I say, intrigued.
"Me? Well, i'm really quick and if I shake things very fast they blow up-"  Tommy says, acting like it's no big deal.
"Blow up! You've got to show me!!" Mollie says, dragging him away to find the nearest big rock.
"Oh, I wanna see this!" I say, following them down a beaten path.
"What, you don't wanna stay with the 'adults' and discuss big kid things?" Tommy says, head turned around towards me as Mollie continues to drag him.
"Nah, plans are always boring to me. I'd much rather see something blow up."
Tommy tilts his head in approval and turns back towards Mollie.

Time skip

We had been walking for  a good 20 minutes , looking for the perfect rock.
"Are we there yet?" I say impatiently.
"Yeah how much further?" Tommy says.
"Be patient. It has to be perfect!" Mollie says, rounding a corner around a tree.
"Here it is! Ohh, this is the one." Mollie shouts excitedly.
"Good pick, kid." I say patting her head.
"Thanks Pseudo."
"Pseudo?"Tommy exclaims, confused.
"It's my alias of sorts." I shyly look away from him.
"What's yours?" I say a little braver.
"Speed." he says proudly.
Mollie and I look at each other, then laugh.
"What?" he says blushing, a look of offense on his face.
Still gasping for air, I say, "Nothing. It's very fitting Mr.Speed. But you couldn't come up with something a little less obvious?" Mollie starts giggling at my sass.
"Oh i'm sorry Pseudo. At least mine makes sense. What are your powers again?"
After my laughter dies down I explain:
"I can accelerate, slow, and even stop time at my will whenever I want."
Mollie has a proud look in her eyes.
"That' cool! Like, you can do it whenever you want???"
I nod my head. "Whenever I want."
"How'd you manage to get those powers?" he says, walking closer to the unfortunate rock Mollie's sentenced to death.
" know the story's about the Runaways, right?"
"What, like the thing where all of you grew up with insane villains for parents without even knowing and then you... ran-away?"
"Yes." I say sternly and uncomfortably.
"Well, mine figured out time travel. And one day, my 15 year old rebellious self decided to mess around in their lab I am."
Mollie leaned on a tree with her back to it in awe, as I didn't recount this story often.

"Did it hurt?" I don't know why, but those are the first words to come out of my mouth.
"Oh, it hurt like hell! But it doesn't anymore." she says, smiling a little.
"Oh. Well that's good."
" gonna blow this rock up or what?" she said impatiently but excited.
"On your mark, Pseudo girl." I say as I pick up the heavy rock in my hands.
Suddenly, the rock bursts.

"That was awesome!!!" Mollie shouts jumping up and down.
"Damn Speedy, not bad." I say, my ears still ringing. "But can you do this?"

Just as sudden as the rock bursting, time just....stops. The rustling leaves stand still and the light breeze quiets to nothing. Only things moving were the three of us.

"Whoa. Cool." Tommy smiles, looking up at the leaves above him on the branches sitting still, amazed.
I can't help but think how cute he looks when he's smiling. He could be even cuter if he wasn't such a smartass. Then again, i guess so could I.

Time skip

We started making our way back, Tommy and I in front on the path and Mollie behind us. Time was normal again.
Tommy and I had been talking about random things together and realized we have a lot in common; neither of us can stand how slow everything is. Also, rules. Who needs 'em anyway?
"So how did you end up as a Young Avenger?"
"Well, its a long story."

I'm embarrassed. I don't want to tell her that I was in jai! That's not something cool girls like, is it? I mean, it is apart of the story.

"I was...imprisoned. The Young Avengers broke me out and here I am."
"Wow. Who could imprison a speedster? I mean I assume you could've run-away before they got you. Also, do you mind telling me why?"
Tommy turns his head behind him to Mollie. She was absorbed in a flower she had picked and kicking pebbles on the path.
"Between you and me: I was arrested because I did some stupid things. Not just imprsioned." tommy says shyly.

"Yeah me too."she says with ease.
"Wait what" i say confused.
"I was arrested too. It honestly doesn't bother me anymore, it's apart of my story now so i've learned to accept it."
"Wish I was as open minded about myself as you are. By the way, what'd you do?"
"I called my parents out on their 'evil behaviors' and they got me arrested. I escaped though, to join the Runaways."
"Wow your parents sound fun"
"Oh super. You shoulda seen them when I got them arrested."
We laugh at that for a few seconds then look at each other.
"You know Y/N, your really cool."
"I know. You are too Speed."
I role my eyes and smile as she giggles.
"My team kinda hates me."I say.
"What?! No, they seem to love you!" she says in disbelief.
"No, they think i'm too immature and unfocused. I think they just keep me around because my powers are useful." She opened her mouth about to argue/say somethings, but Mollie beat her.
"My brother feels that way about me."
"Mollie, your brother acts like an ass towards everyone. More so to you because he loves you the most and just wants to protect you." Y/N says in a no-nonsense tone.
"He acts like I don't belong on the team just because i'm 12!"
"Kid, listen to me." she says stopping and kneeling down to Mollies level.
"Don't let your dumbass brother tell you you don't belong with us, because you do. 'Kay? I promise you do. I'm the same way. I hate listening to 'the plan' and all that boring stuff. The reason your brother doesn't get pissed off at my impatience as much as yours is because, like I said, he loves you the most. And even if one day he decides to stop being your loving big brother, which he never will, i'll be your new brother."
"Me too." I say kneeling next to Y/N
She's so nice I think.
"My team is the same way Mollie, I get it."
"Really?" she says looking at me hopefully.
She thinks hard for a second then says, "You promise you guys won't get boring like the rest of them?" she says looking between me and Y/N
"I promise"Y/N says
"I promise." I say, not hesitating in the slightest.
"That makes me feel better." Mollie says smiling softly.
"I know what'll make you feel even better. You wanna ride back?"
"Yes!" she jumps onto my back and I get ready to run.
"Wait what about me?"
"You better run fast Pseudo."

As he ran he slipped his number into my pocket.

"Hey, why all the long faces?" Tommy runs up to the group.
"We miss something?"
Mollies laughing from the exciting ride over.
I finally catch up to them, jogging, out of breath.
"Wh-what happ-happend here?" I say out of breath looking at the destruction of trees and vegetation around.
The remaining members of the group look at us. I say remaining because "Where's Xavin and Karolina?"

Dedicated to @Frey_Vasquez666 and @LilyAllen773
Sorry if it sucks I kinda....sped through it(idc about how corny that was lmao).

1,427 words.

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