The Sun to His Moon

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hey bestie so BASICALLY the setting for this is right around/after Episode 11, so ⚠️spoiler warning ⚠️ if you haven't seen the episode yet, otherwise renga lovers come get y'all juice

also i apologize ahead of time for grammar or spelling mistakes if there are any 😔


Reki finally having his main character moment.
You just had to be there.

Reki Kyan had just finished his beef with Adam, bruised and bleeding but still full of adrenaline from skating "S" against the living reincarnation of Satan himself. "Skating really is fun, after all!!" the red-haired boy exclaimed with excitement, contrary to his exhausted and injured body limp on the ground.

Despite the fact that Adam quite LITERALLY beat his ass to a pulp, that didn't stop him from proving his worth as a veteran skater dedicated to the sport and the craft. Reki had soared through the air like never before, his crimson locks glistening amongst the audience, who all had their fair shares of "ooh's" and "ahh's" as they watched the scene unfold right before their eyes.

And among that audience was a hint of blue.

Langa Hasegawa. The one who had learned everything he knew about skateboarding from Reki. The one who had his passion for these sports reignited by Reki. The one who was in a much better place now than when he first moved to Japan because of Reki. The one who was shown a new happiness and could confide in Reki.

Reki was his teacher. His best friend. His happiness. His safe haven. His other half. His soulmate.

The Sun to his Moon.

And from the very beginning, Langa never doubted Reki's potential.

And so the blue-haired boy had watched every moment of the race in awe of his red-haired partner, rarely pausing to blink at the sight of the red-haired boy managing to escape Satan's grasp with wit, intuition and skill. His eyes held a peculiar twinkle as he watched the boy swiftly skate past his obstacles, all-the-more hoping that Reki would not only make it to the finish line but also win to fulfill the promise they made to each other earlier. Now, as everyone in the audience chants Reki's name following the race, Langa no longer thought about their promise to skate against each other as he was now more concerned about the boy's condition.

He seemed to be able to support himself after standing up with a little assistance, so it was safe to assume that the extent of the boy's injuries would be more present tomorrow.

After the exchange of a few words from Mr. Assault and Battery, he and the rest of the crowd had dispersed, leaving Reki, Langa, Joe, Cherry, and Miya still at the scene. Joe and Cherry decided to make their way out soon as well.

"I think it's time to take Mr. Handicap back to his room, it's getting pretty close to his bedtime, isn't it?" said the built man with a smirk across his face.

"Is that so?" the handicapped man snapped in response. "I don't remember my nurse being a green-haired gorilla."



"It seems the old married couple is back at it again," sighs the youngest one as all three of them make their way home, leaving Reki and Langa to themselves.

"I guess it's our turn to leave this place for tonight-"

Before Langa could finish his sentence, Reki became visibly unstable and began to collapse to his side.

Thankfully, the blue-haired boy was right there to catch him before impact.

"REKI!! Are you okay?!?" Langa was ridden with concern.

"S-sorry, Langa, I just got a little...lightheaded for a moment. I'll be back on my feet in no time-"

"No, Reki. We're not in a rush right now, so you can take some time to regain a little bit of strength before we go home." It was safe to assume that Reki may have a slight concussion due to the events that unfolded tonight, so it wouldn't hurt to allow his body to recuperate and catch up with everything that had happened to it during the race.

"Here, can you walk over to the wall with me?" Reki nodded reluctantly, and slowly, but surely, they limped over to a section of the wall closest to them that also provided them overhead cover from the rain.

Langa hesitantly lowered both of them in sync, maintaining his support on the injured boy. He then sat them down and leaned himself against the wall, positioning Reki on the left side of him. The lightheaded boy's legs were sitting comfortably in Langa's lap, and the top of his head sat securely in the crook of Langa's neck. Reki loosely wrapped his arms around the taller boy's waist, while Langa held the injured boy up with his left arm and began softly caressing the side of his cheek with his right hand and thumb. Reki immediately relaxed into Langa's touch and fell into a state of semi-consciousness.

Langa thinks this would be the perfect time to tell Reki how proud of him he is, that he put up a fight like no one else has ever seen before despite the conditions of the weather and his board, and how watching him skate his infinity took his breath away, but he figures he should let Reki rest for the time being without being overwhelmed with praise. Instead, he lays a gentle but loving kiss on his forehead, catching a whiff of his red hair in the process.

"Hey Reki, for someone who skates 24/7 and just finished an intense race in the rain, your hair smells surprisingly nice," Langa commented with a smile on his face.

Reki gives him a weak and tired chuckle. His current condition in tangent with the comfortable position he's in is making him ready to pass out at any moment.

"Oh yeahhhhh? What does it then, you weirdoooo-"

Let's be honest. Reki is barely awake right now.

Well, not anymore.

After a moment or two, Langa simply closed his eyes and said:

".....Home. You remind me of home, Reki."

Reki pretended to be asleep in that moment. But he was blushing. Hard.


WOW okay i'm lowkey kinda proud of this considering it's now 5:50 am and I just dumped a bunch of mindless thoughts onto a page and called it a fanfic 🤡
anyways feel free to leave your thoughts and ideas for potential future fics/oneshots bc i literally have no imagination LMAO

thanks for reading bestie!! <3 you're officially swag now

— mi-chan

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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