Stop Walking Away.

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She did look a little different when I saw her in the bus.

'what's wrong with her? '

I spotted Lara and Kelvin walking towards me however they did not notice me until I actually went and stood in front of them.

"where's Ana?" my only concern.

"ohh, umm..." they started looking around.

"I think I saw her going towards the washroom." Kelvin said.

"Is there something wrong with her?" I asked them, hoping to know that she is alright and I am mistaken.

" I don't think..." Lara started speaking when she was cut-off.

"I think she was crying" it was Gail, holding a can of coke in one hand a piece of pizza in another.

"was she?" Lara asked. She was surprised she did not take a note of it

"what sort of friend are you? She was sitting right adjacent to you, and you failed to notice it. I was sitting behind her and I yet came to know, sir was sitting way ahead in the row of seats, and he still realized she wasn't fine. What were you doing?" Gail spoke, narrowing her eyes at Lara.

"why didn't you tell us then? Why didn't you ask her what was wrong?" Lara asked again feeling shocked and sad on how could she miss something like that and how could Gail take it so easily.

"well, she was covering her mouth when she was crying. I am sure, she didn't want others to know, so I let her have some time for herself. And how would it make a difference if I'd asked her, she wouldn't tell me anyway." Gail defended and excused herself when Kelly called her.

"I'll go to her." Lara turned to exit.

"no, wait." I stopped her. "I'll go to her. It's clearly something she doesn't want to discuss. Let's not bombard her with questions. I'll have her talk my way. Pretend you guys know nothing, until you see her getting upset or crying again."

"How can-" Lara spoke again but Kelvin caught her hand and nodded in assurance at her.


I went towards the other side to see her coming my way. She was walking on a slow pace and continuously staring down.

"Ana" I called her. She got startled as she looked up at me.

"sir..." she said and looked down again.


I walked up to her and I realized started walking behind, her eyes yet stuck on the ground.

"stop walking away from me, Ana."

She stopped in her tracks, her eyes yet not meeting mine.

"Did you eat something?" I asked her, she just nodded in no.

"what's wrong?" I walked up to her and she again, started walking behind.

I leaned to hold her hand, her wrist under my grip and her hand turned into fist in her attempt to free herself.

"STOP. WALKING. AWAY." I said firmly and pulled her towards me.

"what's wrong?" I asked again.

She again nodded in no.

"look at me and TALK. I need to hear you."

"nothing sir." She said softly after looking at me and then immediately taking her eyes of me, to hide the tears that started surfacing.

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