Was he the same person?

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I got up at around 7 in the morning with heaviness in my eyes and mild headache.  I could feel heaviness in my chest as if my subconscious trying to remind me of something.

I recollected everything that happened last night. My worst nightmare about losing Eric was coming true. 
I did not want to leave the room anymore . I did not look forward to the day.

I laid there for God knows how long, when Lara came out after having a shower.
“get up, you have been awake before me and you are still in bed, get up we have to go down to have our breakfast at 10.”

“I don’t feel like it.”

“I understand Ana. But you will have to take care of yourself. Especially now when we are so away from the city, in a very isolated area, with no proper medical facilities around. You cannot afford to get sick during the trip.”

“I know..” she did make sense.
I reluctantly  got up to take a shower.

I was in the shower for longer than necessary when Lara knocked the door.

“I am going downstairs, Kelvin’s waiting, come fast, meet me down.”

“go ahead. I’ll be there.”

I just dressed in a casual jeans and a blue top, with a high ponytail and put a jacket on since it was cold.

I was early than the expected time, walking down the stairs searching for Lara when Gail came up in a rush.

“Ana….” She held both of my arms , breathing heavily as she came to rest.

“I need a favor.” She said after stabilizing her vitals.


“I am in a rush… can u please go give these forms to the staff.” She handed me 3 papers.

“they must be in their rooms, you don’t have to search for them, please.” She requested.

Seeing Eric, early in the morning, was the last thing I wanted today. I wanted to decline but given the fact that Gail does so much for us being the CR, I couldn’t tell her a no.

“alright.” I took the forms. I never imagined that I’ll be dreaded to see Eric more than Prof Peter.

I went to the third floor, searching for his room. I somewhere knew that he must have not allowed Ms. Jenna to stay with him overnight.

I was looking at the room nos. of every door when a door ahead swung open.

I saw Ms. Jenna come out of it. I went to her to give her the form and was about to ask her to give one to Prof. Eric too since she loves being around him so much, when I noticed the room no.   306

wasn’t this his room?
Did she really sleep in here? With him?

I looked at the room no. and looked back at her wide eyed. I am sure my face had given all the questions my tongue was holding in.

She gave me the fakest smile possible, not really startled to get caught sleeping with his professional colleague.

“look Ana-” she started speaking.

“you should be thankful it was me who saw you getting out of his room, someone else would have just spread a dirty rumor about it.” I cut her off, handing her 2 papers.

“why?” she interrupted when I was about to walk away. I turned back to her and raised my eyebrows in question.

“why?    don’t you think there could have actually been something.

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