In my shirt.

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She was mumbling something to herself and looked nervous while she was standing halfway on the staircase facing down to the kitchen.

“Are you alright babe.” I asked. Her eyes flashed open and looked at me with fear first and then relief.

She was definitely not ok.

I went up to her.

“what’s wrong.” I cupped her face in my hand lifting them up so as to see her eyes.

Did she cry again? Fortunately she did not.

She nodded her head in a no. 

“I-” she started speaking and looked away from me, down to her feet. I bent my head down so as to read any expressions I could from her face.

“I have got nothing to put on after shower.”

I did not think of that.

“I have a couple of new shirts, I haven’t worn them once, I can lend one of it to you.” She nodded in approval still looking away.

“it will be large for you, but I guess that shall be comfortable.”

“yes. It’s fine.” She looked at me and smiled weakly before turning to head back to the room.

I went along with her to the room giving her a fresh towel and a fresh, new black shirt that I had in my closet.

I was just hoping she does not cry in the shower. But I guess I had to give her time with herself.

“don’t be in there too long.” I tried in an attempt to get her out so she doesn’t overthink and cry much.

She smiled and nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

“Ana” I called her again and before she could turn at my voice I pulled her back into my hug taking her by surprise.

“I love you.” I told. I didn’t know what else I should say.
I did blame myself for putting her through it but I was happy that our plan worked. I was satisfied that we could get him caught but I still wasn’t okay with what Ana had to go through.

She did not hold me initially since she wasn’t expecting it and was dumbfounded, but then she reciprocated and embraced me.

I let out deep sigh of relief and kissed the center of her head that reached the level of my chest.

“thank you for saving me today.” she said.

“sorry for putting you through it.” I had to apologise.

“no.” she lifted her head from my chest and looked at me.
“It’s not your fault. He would have done it any way he could. Taken every chance he could get. So thank you for predicting it and saving me at the right time.”

I was glad she was taking it the right way. Although that doesn’t make it easy for her forget it, it definitely gives me the chance to help her get out of this.

“I shall head down and get something prepared for us. Join me downstairs soon. Mm?”
She nodded.

“words babe.” I trailed my fingers over her cheek yet looking at the fingerprints which did start to fade.
So did the little bruise that she got on her forehead due to her self defense.

“yes Eric. I’ll be downstairs soon.” I smiled at her kissing her forehead this time.

“good” I headed to the kitchen.

I made us spaghetti with lentils and marinara sauce and was serving it on the table when she walked down.

In my shirt.

With a shirt of my size on her, she definitely looked tiny. Her hair were wet, falling naturally on her shoulders.

She looked uncomfortable since the shirt did expose her from her middle thigh to the feet.
She pulled it a little down in an order to cover herself up a little more.

I smiled at her and went across the table pulling the chair asking her to join me.


We ate silently in peace with him occasionally asking if I needed anything.

I had always been an admirer of his cooking ever since I tasted it, so definitely the food was delicious.

We went back to the couch sitting next to each other and cuddling while we played a random movie on the TV that neither of us were actually watching.

He was trailing his arm up and down my back while both of us were still looking at the TV.

I was sure both of us were thinking about today and then I decided to speak up.

“you know, it was Prof Peter who gave that informal letter.” I spoke while still resting my head on his thorax.

He shuffled in his place making me sit straight to face him.

“first of all stop calling him Prof. anymore. And second, did he tell you this?”

I nodded in a no.
“not exactly. But-” I stopped mid way


I traced my finger on my neck “he knew where the hickey was.”

I saw Eric look at my fingers going down my neck following the path where Peter touched me. His face flexed, his jaw clenched once again, but he successfully repressed his anger.

He pulled me back to him going to how we were earlier.

“He is gone for good. I’ll make sure that man doesn’t come out of the cell anytime soon.” His torso vibrated against my face as he spoke.

We laid there in silence before we finally decided to head up to the room.


We were laying in the same bed next to each other facing each other.
It was not as if the first time we were there together.

I trailed my thumb beneath her eyes, “I don’t like this puffiness beneath your eyes every time you cry.” She said nothing but just smiled at me, sadly.

“I hate seeing you cry.” I shifted a little more towards her. She was looking at me smiling as I was stroking her face.

I lifted her face towards me and inclined ahead to kiss her lips.

But then something weird happened. She pulled herself away from me as if, I guess, a protective response after a trauma.

I opened my eyes to look at her and she was already looking at me nodding her head apologetically.

“I am sorry. I – I did not—I don’t know why I did that.. I am sorry.” She started sounding nervous.

I motioned my head in a no. “it’s fine. It’s ok. I won’t do anything that you don’t want to do. Even if it is something as simple as a kiss. Mm?”

“it’s not that I don’t .. I just don’t know why did I .. I am sorry”

“you have got nothing to be sorry for honey. Let’s just go to sleep today okay.” I raised my eyebrows, trying my best to assure her.

“I-” she tried speaking again

“shh.. go to sleep babe. Good night.” I covered the blanket well over her.

“good night.”

“also” she spoke after a while. “I love you Eric.”

“I love you too Ana.” I patted her head and then turned the lights off.


Last one chapter remaining...
And we'll come to an end with this story..

I love you all for being with me throughout ❤❤✨

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