Chapter 1: S2

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{A Hundred Later}

     {Present Day}

Me and Jimin decided to get married last month, he wanted to claim me and I agreed. There wasn't any threats and Jimin has revived the clan, he was actually working with humans, and going on business trips.
I was extremely lonely sometimes but I had a cute puppy to keep me company, I named him "Love" because that's what I was feeling.
I was on what the humans called a "Computer" writing fanfictions and reading them to.
Suddenly a call came through and I quickly answered.

Jimin: "BABY HI!" He said cutely and I smiled, I remembered what he told me years ago I was now his forever

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Jimin: "BABY HI!" He said cutely and I smiled, I remembered what he told me years ago I was now his forever.

You: "Hi honey, how's the trip?"

Jimin: "Boring! I want to be there with you, learning to adapt is difficult."

You: "I have to agree, but I find it fun. The humans are weird, But....when are you coming home?" I asked and pouted.

Jimin: "Tomorrow morning, I will be busy with the clan then I'll spend time with you. I know this is all difficult but I am the king, and manager now".

You: "I know, I can't wait to see you." I said and blew him a kiss, he blushed and did the same before hanging up.

I decided to take a walk, I couldn't stand another minute being alone in the castle. I grabbed my coat and went outside, it was so beautiful.
"So many humans" I thought to myself as I walked down the street.
Suddenly someone bumped into me and he made me feel a fear that I've never felt before.

Suddenly someone bumped into me and he made me feel a fear that I've never felt before

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"Sorry about that, I didn't see you." He said and then smirked.

You: "I-It's okay." I said and I couldn't figure out why I was so afraid.

???: "A vampire? You smell like Jimin." He said and my blood ran cold.

Leedo: "My name is Leedo and I'm actually looking for Jimin, so where is he?" He asked and I couldn't answer, I was very intemidated.

Leedo: "How cute, you're afraid of me. Tell Jimin that Oneus is coming for him, he knows us very well. Tell Jimin that we're all awake and want to play." He said and then walked away, I decided to go home and call Jimin.

I grabbed my cell phone and quickly called him, I was shaken and needed to tell him about my encounter.
"Hello?" He said.

You: "Baby emergency!" I shouted.

Jimin: "What happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you!? WHO WAS IT!?" He yelled and I heard a low growl.

I told him to calm down and I told him everything, he suddenly went quiet. I knew that he had something on his mind.

Jimin: "Tonight! I'm coming home tonight." He said and then hung up, he sounded pissed off and was ready to murder someone.

I set down on my bed and I heard someone open the door, it was our guard just checking in on me.

"Master y/n I've come with your dinner." He said and brought over the food, I bet Jimin sent him.
There was something he was hiding and I was going to find out what it was, who is "Oneus?" And why are they after Jimin?
"Changbin do you know Oneus?" I asked and he shook his head "No" and then left.. I could clearly see that he was lying.

I let out a loud sigh in defeat I needed to know what was going on, but I had to wait for Jimin.
I feel asleep and woke up around midnight, I saw him standing there looking out of the window.

Jimin: "I have something to tell you about Oneus, all of them are my blood brothers and we've hater each other for centuries

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Jimin: "I have something to tell you about Oneus, all of them are my blood brothers and we've hater each other for centuries. I put a spell on them, a sleeping spell and I guess that it finally wore off."

Jimin: "You have no idea how strong they are, I'm strong but Xion is stronger than me. Probably now he's even more stronger, I'm not afraid but I'm not stupid."

You: "I see, but why did I bump into a member?"

Jimin: "A bad omen for what's to come my darling y/n, for now on you can't leave the house without me or a guard"

You: "What!? That's not fair"

Jimin: "Neither is human life but you don't see me complaining."

You: "Jimin please! I need freedom."

Jimin: "After I kill them you'll have all the freedom you want."

{End Of Chapter}

Thirst: BTS [Jimin] FF 18+Where stories live. Discover now