Chapter 7

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"So this is how we're going to die?" Kai asked as well were in the carriage.

Jimin: "Of course not! I'm the king and I'll take down Seonghwa and Hongjoong at the same time." I said with arrogance.

Taehyung: "Yeah! We're going to die Kai." He said while teasing me.

"Don't hurt Jimin's feelings Taehyung, maybe he'll actually kill them

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"Don't hurt Jimin's feelings Taehyung, maybe he'll actually kill them." Kai said trying to encourage me.

Jimin: "Thanks Kai, Oh y/n okay?" I asked and he nodded while rubbing your head as you slept on his lap.

Kai: "It would be funny if she bit you." He said and started to laugh, Taehyung punched him in the arm and I looked out at the night sky.

The horses started to freak out and the driver came to a complete stop, I could smell someone coming and I knew he was trouble.
"Shit! Someone's coming." I said and woke up Y/N.

The carriage was now being ripped apart and you wanted to fight, but I knew that you weren't ready to take on such a task.

The carriage was now being ripped apart and you wanted to fight, but I knew that you weren't ready to take on such a task

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"Did you think your mission would be so easy? I'm San, the kings body guard." He said and showed his fangs, his eyes were blue and that let me know he was a royal.

Jimin: "I didn't think it would be easy, but I didn't know the king had a guard. Anyway......what do you want?" I asked without having any patience.

San: "I want to know where Kim Seokjin is, you have a mission and I have mine."

Kai: "He's back at the castle, if you want to kill him then go ahead."

Taehyung: "Yeah! He's an asshole." He said and then pouted.

"That's enough San!" He shouted and that's when I saw him.

"That's enough San!" He shouted and that's when I saw him

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Seonghwa: "Oh...Other vampires? They must've been sent by Seokjin?" He asked and San nodded "Yes."

Seonghwa: "Oh, in that case we can actually kill them." He said as his fangs came out, and I had to protect you from them.

You jumped out of my arms and attacked Seonghwa and I literally face palmed myself, but you were doing well.
He was having a tough time keeping up with you, and he was getting annoyed.
Another man grabbed you and slammed you against a tree, I knew this was the king....Hongjoong.

Hongjoong: 'ENOUGH FIGHTING!" He said with arrogance and cockiness in his tone, he had a since of authority and they bowed to him

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Hongjoong: 'ENOUGH FIGHTING!" He said with arrogance and cockiness in his tone, he had a since of authority and they bowed to him.

Hongjoong: "Who is this bitch!?" He asked and they just shrugged.

Hongjoong: "King Jimin? This isn't an ambush is it?" He asked and I just awkwardly laughed.

San: "Seokjin sent them my lord." He said with respect.

Seonghwa: "And I was going after him as you said, but I saw this action and decided to join in on the fun."

Kai: "Asshole!" He said with anger, he jumped from the carriage and slapped Seonghwa.

Seonghwa: "Kai? Oh goodie I get too kill you sooner than I thought."

Hongjoong: "Did they use to date or something?" He asked with a raise brow.

Jimin: "No! They use to be best friends but something happened."

Hongjoong: "Seonghwa you can kill him later, right now you have a mission."

Jimin: "And I have mine." I said and Seonghwa slapped me across the road, I hit an old oak tree and it fell to the ground with me.

Hongjoong: "And he didn't even use his full power, I will see you back at the castle after your mission."


We all went back to his castle and it was bigger than mine, I was a bit jealous but I wouldn't admit it.

San: "Where should I take them?" He asked his king.

Hongjoong: "Put them into the dungeon, I will release them after Seokjin is dead."

[End Of Chapter]

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