Chapter 6

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Jimin: "Kim Seokjin!" I shouted and tried to attack him but was held back by his guards.

Seokjin: "Now Jimin...I am so disappointed with you, marrying a human is forbidden and you know that." He said with anger in his voice.

Jimin: "So what! I love her, and she is no longer human. After she married me I changed her."

Seokjin: "I could call off the spell but it's so much fun watching you suffer." He said and I noticed that you were struggling to breath and I couldn't hold back my tears, it was painful watching this scene.

Jimin: "Please stop! I will do anything you want, just please don't hurt my wife." I said with sadness and worry.

Seokjin snapped his fingers and you stopped bleeding and looked normal, Taehyung ran over to you and removed you from the room.

Seokjin: "Big bad Jimin is a p***y? I've never seen you beg before in my life, but you will do anything huh? Okay I want you too kill someone by the name of Park Seonghwa."

"This is him

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"This is him." He said while handing me a photo, he looked familiar to me but I couldn't remember anything.

Seokjin: "This vampire is more dangerous than you and me combined, so I want him dead before dawn. If you succeed in killing him I will let you live in piece with your wife but if not I shall make sure she suffers." He said and then his wings came from his back and flew away.

"Fuck!" I swore to myself, I knew that I had to protect you but how was I going to kill him? Yes I've killed our king but there are also three more.

The king of the East [Kim Hongjoong] The king of the South [Kim Namjoon]
The king of the West [Vernon]

And then there's me, the king of North.
I've never met any of the other kings before, and I didn't want to. All the kings are more powerful than the other so I had to be careful, I didn't even know what king was in Seonghwa's region.

Taehyung: "Looks like we're going on a journey." He says while I was lost in thought.

Kai: "Oh Seonghwa is your target? His king is Kim Hongjoong." He says and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

Jimin: "Wait! Please don't tell me that Park Seonghwa works for the king." I said and Kai nodded "Yes."

I was actually stunned because I've never wanted to meet him, let's just say I may have did something to his brother back in the day.
I never met him personally but I heard that when he saw me "I was a dead man" even though I already am.

I had to plan this out perfectly or this would be a suicide mission, and I don't want to put my family in danger.
"We have to go, Kai I want you to take y/n too the castle and protect her."

Kai: "Of Course! Y/N is my sister in law you jackass."

Jimin: "Let's go to the library and do some research on Hongjoong before we just attack him."

Taehyung: "Well no shit! I'm to handsome to die." He said sarcastically.

[End Of Chapter]

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