What Have I Forgotten

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Chapter 3

What Have I Forgotten


Typically, I have the usual bad dream, or no dreams at all. Tonight surprised me. I had a good dream. A confusing dream, but a good one none the less.

It was the prom, one of the most overexaggerated dances that has ever been created in the history of the world. There were stupid little red and silver balloons everywhere, cluttering the gym floor and in a huge arch over the gym entrance. All of the prom posters looked like they had been draw by some council mom's five year old. There was an ancient disco ball strung above us which would once in a while stop turning and the DJ would have to randomly jam buttons to fix it. My school wasn't old, it was just used. So many kids went to Harrison High, it was ridiculous, even by high school standards.

This wasn't a dream really, it was a memory, most of what happened actually did happen, but the dream just altered the events just a little. I hadn't asked anyone to the prom, my grandma was extremely disappointed in that. She would tap my on the shoulder with a newspaper with her wrinkled hand and say that a guy like me should have a girl to go with. That was entirely true, most girls did their stupid goo-goo eyes at me wherever I went. I tried to ignore them but they were shouting, even now.

OMG LOOK IT'S SAM!!! OMG MY HEART IS FLUTTERING! LOOK AT HIS SUIT! HE'S SO PRETTY, WHY DIDN'T HE ASK ME?! I shook my head in dismay at their feelings. They were all jumbled and made absolutely no sense. But typically girls feelings never do make sense.

"Hey!" Autumn pulled on my sleeve from behind. "Have you seen Ana? She is nowhere to be found, and I look stupid with no one to dance with or talk to." I quickly scanned the crowd but shrugged back at Autumn when I couldn't find her.

Autumn was particularly pretty tonight. She didn't seem to believe in makeup, which is fine, she still looks good without it, but tonight she was all decked out in light glitter and eyeliner that further magnified her asian face. She wore a knee length blue and white dress that had a slight shimmer to it. Her dress puffed out a little once it passed her waist. Her nails were painted light blue with white polka dots and her eyes seemed to glow brighter. She was by far the most beautiful girl here.

I wore nothing special, just a cheap tux that I had hastily thrown on, but my grandma insisted on ruffling my hair until she got it just the way she wanted it. That didn't matter, my hair changes as often as the maze in The Maze Runner. I felt entirely underdressed next to Autumn.

"Nope." I said, trying to look like I wasn't staring at her or anything weird like that. The banging loud music came to an end and the DJ played the first slow dance of the night. I looked down at my shoes, was I supposed to ask her to dance with me or something? It would be weird if I did or didn't dance with her. Do I even want to dance with her? I looked up, Autumn was looking across the gym absentmindedly and was rubbing her arms like she was cold. I tried not to watch her as I watched her take a deep breath and turn to me,

"Do you want to dance with me Sam, or not?" Her eyes were still smoldering black but they seemed to waver when they met mine. She had less confidence when she asked me this, but she was still blocking out my ability to read her emotions.

"Of course." I said. The words just slipped out, I felt compelled to dance with her, but I wasn't really sure why. But there I was taking her hand and wrapping my hand around her waist. I gave her plenty of space so we weren't nearly as close to each other as the other couples. Autumn kept avoiding my eyes, she wouldn't look at me, this was just as strange and awkward for her as it was for me.

"You know what?" Autumn finally looked up at me,


"I don't think slow dancing is your style." I smiled and let go of her hand. I randomly started dancing as if the music wasn't this old corny slow dance song but a loud fast paced one. Autumn laughed instantly her hands flying up to her mouth to muffle the giggles.

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