Adjusting To A New Life

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"Word" - Speaking
'Word' - Thinking
"Word" - Screaming

(Hikari's POV)

I felt a slight tug on my arm. "Mmn, let me sleep." I felt a strong tug on my arm which woke me up. "What is it?" I asked a very pissed kid. 'Oh, right it wasn't a dream. My life still sucks.'

"I was a second away from kicking you. Wake up on time." I groaned and he sighed. 'Damn it's noon already whatever move it.' "Alright, kid what's plan. What are we doing?"

He walked quietly and then I remembered. 'He will only answer me when he feels like it. Geez, kid who made you like this. He is like super spy or some shit.' I quickly followed behind until we were in a bookstore.

He searched the shelves for a book, before pulling out a dusty book. "What are you teaching me sensei?" He growled lowly at stared me and said "I need you too teach me this."

I looked at the book, it was a regular grammar book. "Okay, yeah sure." I nudged him and he freaked out and his almost kagune attacked me. "Don't do anything like that ever again."

"What the hell was that? Are you okay?" He slowly nodded. "I am sorry, no-one has ever touched me with a harmless intent. That was just a force of habit." He said his body and voice shaking terribly.

"Hey, it's alright." I gently told him. "Yeah, alright just warn me before you do anything like that ever again." His kagune went back into his body.

'This is very strange he seems so strong but I just gently touched him and he is shaking like a leaf in a storm. What happened to him.' I looked at him as he regained his composure. "You all good, need some water or something."

He nods his head no. "Remember to never do that before telling me." I shot back at him. "Yeah, you just said that genius." I didn't expect much in return and I was right the remark had no effect on him.

"Alright, I am only going to tell you this once there are two reasons I continue to let you live one I need you to escape and two I need to know about the world outside this hellhole. You get it." He tries to be as intimidating as possible.

'I would take you seriously if it weren't for the fact that just a moment ago you looked like a child dying of hypothermia.' I stared into his dark grey eyes and saw something new, vulnerability. "Yeah, sure I got it." His body relaxes visibly for a moment.

"Alright, now teach me what this is?" He threw the book towards me. "Yeah, this. I totally forgot about it after what just happened." He narrowed his eyes. "Don't ever talk about that again." 'And he's back in the old mood, oh joy.' "Yeah, I won't." Both of us sigh.

"Sit, next to me you need see the words as well." He shifts closer and his kagune wraps around his body like a blanket. "Alright we start from here." I point to the line.

(Sometime later)

"You got all that kid." He nods and yawns a bit. 'Honestly he isn't that scary anymore. He is just like any other kid.' "It's late now. I am hungry, let's hunt." He got up and stretched his arms and legs.

"Alright, so how's this gonna happen? You're gonna teach me how to fight or something." He sighed and told me "You're old enough to know how to fight. You just need better food."

'Oh, yeah cannibalism makes you stronger apparently.' Both of us went up to the roof and he started running from rooftop to rooftop. "Hey, what's the plan." He stopped.

"You go down there and attract some food and I will kill it." He said nonchalantly. "Yeah sure, wait did you just say I have to be the bait." He rolled his eyes. "If there isn't any incentive why would they come out of hiding." I was a little mad but couldn't argue with him.

"Ok, fine let's go." He angrily looks at me. "Why do I have to go? You will attract them and I will kill them, that's it?" I nod and shoot back. "Fine." I jump down and move around looking at the ruins of the city around me.

'This is odd. I was expecting to be attacked just as I landed.' I kept going around the area. "Well it looks like there is no one here." I went into a nearby broken shop. "Seems that this place has been raided." As soon as I step out someone jumps on me.

"You fool. I can't believe you actually walk around like a moron. At first I thought it was a trap." I bites my arm and immediately gets stabbed in the chest.

I see three men behind the body on top of me. "Wow, two for one. It's a lucky day boys." The other two nodded. "Sorry, Lady we gotta eat too."  Another one chimed in. 'Where the fuck is that kid?' The last one sighed. "We really don't wanna do this but we don't have a choice."

(3rd Person POV)

Just as they are about to kill Hikari. Her friend jumps down and grabs all three of them and slams them into the next building.

"What took you so long?" Hikari screams at him. "Let's not forget who is saving who here." She sighed. "Take the body and leave, I will handle the rest." Hikari grabs the boy and leaves.

"Well, well, well kid you just killed yourself." The three of them surrounded the younger boy. "You're dead." They use their kagune and tried to strike him down. He blocked their blows swiftly and moved away from their strikes until all four of them ended back up in the store.

"You've got nowhere to run now." The three surrounded him. "You just screwed up." The younger boy said and his kagune knocked down the roof of the building. "What the hell?" One of them says.

As they get up, they see that the boy was gone. The three of them were upset at losing their food. "Looks like we go hungry tonight." One of them said and the other two just sadly nod. "Don't worry dead people don't need food." The young boy approached them.

His kagune wrapped around all their throats and snap them in one go. "Meh, too easy." He sighs and yawns. He grabs the dead bodies and goes back to the mall. "Hey, Hikari I have our food." The older girl walks out with her body.

"How did you kill all three of them?" Hikari questioned. "Simple, I knocked down the roof of the building, escaped and snapped their neck when they were off guard." He said and laid down the bodies.

"Can you please tell me your name. I just want to be able to call you out by name so I could ask for help." Hikari said extremely frustrated by the younger child's behavior. "Fine, my name is Kazu." Kazu said calmly.

"Kazu what, what is your last name. Come on I should know these things. We need some trust if we want to work together." Hikari asks. "Can you just shut up. I don't know okay. I don't know. I only have blurry memories of my family. Barely know anything about them." Kazu screams back and almost cries.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean to be so pushy. I didn't know about any of this. I just wanted to know your name." Hikari apologizes. "I-i-its fine, I j-ju-just get dramatic." Kazu says sniveling. He feels a hand gently stroke his hair.

And she immediately pulled her hand back and Kazu jumped up and glared at her. "I told you to warn me before you do that." Hikari sadly sighed. 'Who hurt him?'

The two of them silently ate, never bothering to spare a glance at each other. 'Alright Kazu, you seriously have some problems. I guess it can't be helped.' Hikari sighs and continues eating.

I am really sorry, I have been inactive for a very long time because of too much schoolwork. I have just made it to the twelfth grade and it's becoming really hard to keep up with the work. I will try to upload more often from now on.

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