Taking A Tour

94 6 1

"Word" - Speaking
'Word' - Thinking
"Word" - Screaming

(3rd Person POV)

It had been a few days since their first hunt together and Hikari was slowly understanding the dynamics of the ward. Life here was really mundane other than the constant fear of death of course it was the same routine, some reading, some writing and stalking the ward for food at night.

Some days they would bring in food, other days they came back empty handed. Hikari also didn't try to get anymore information about Kazu. She understood after last time she was walking on thin ice and that the other ghoul would only view her as a bigger threat if she saw him weak again.

"Hey, Kazu don't you think it gets a little boring around this place." Hikari's question made him huff. "It's better to be bored and alive than be entertained and put yourself under risk of dying." He was now as cold as before maybe even colder.

He picked up a book and started reading. "Hey, Kazu you know this place like the back of your hand right." The other just nodded not caring to look up from his book. "Right, so why don't we ever go deeper into the center of the ward."

A dead eerie silence took over, the crinkling of old pages stopped and to say Hikari was unnerved was an understatement. 'Shit, did I hit a nerve again. No he hasn't tried killing me yet.' Her train of thought derailed as a long deep sigh broke the silence. The book was put down.

"We don't go there because that's where morons go to die. The center of this ward is inhabited by mindless savages, there are 10 of them in total and let's just say meeting them is a fate worse than death. As much as I have heard they don't kill to eat, for them killing is sport."

With that Kazu resumed his reading and Hikari was left shocked at the sudden change of tone. Sure it wasn't happy in any way but this added a whole new level of terror to this place.

" What if they decide to leave the interior?" Her question was answered with a simple yet dreadful statement. "We die." And there it was again that silence only this time accompanied by the sound of old crinkled pages being flipped every so often.

'How can he be so calm about that?' Just then an even scarier thought hit Hikari. "Wait you mean to say they can move outwards at anytime." He seemed to have understood her concern and looked her in the eyes.

"No, but it's complicated. I know someone moronic enough in this ward who is trying to kill them and failing miserably. As long he keeps sacrificing lives, those ten will stay in the interior, besides they want to kill each other as well so that keeps them busy. You should be more familiarized with the areas if you're that concerned." He said casually.

"Let's do that. I need to know escape routes, and places where I could hide and even place where we could set up traps." Hikari's fanatic rambling continued as Kazu only focused on the part about traps. "That's not a bad idea but what kind of traps would work." Kazu started thinking about traps as Hikari continued to freak out.

"So how are we doing this Kazu?" Hikari looked at the boy who was lost in deep thought. "Hey did you hear me Mr?" He nodded and got up. "There should be a book with maps of this place." He went to the small book store and bought back books.

"Let's see here. Hey come here let's check this." Both of them look at the map of the ward. "So we are here in the shopping mall, that is the central portion of the ward we don't go there. This is the entrance you came from, these are some other entrances and exit. This one next to the opposite of side of mall.

This can be our exit, this gate is around an open area so no sneak attacks. Yeah, we should most probably pick this area." Hikari pointed to a part of the map. "What about these buildings?"

"That's where the moron and his followers reside. I don't care if he saves all of our lives, his mind is still in the wrong place. One right doesn't correct all your wrongs." Kazu's voice was cold, bitter and unforgiving. 'He has bad history with this person.' Hikari thought.

"Hey, would it be a bad idea to explore around the ward." Hikari's question made the younger boy deadpan. "You can't be serious. Do you have a death wish or something or do you have something against being relatively safe?"

"Okay, I know it sounds crazy but I should be more familiarized with the area." Hikari's suggestion angered Kazu who angrily threw the book at her. "Go kill yourself." He said and stormed out of the book store.

"Hey wait-" Before Hikari could finish the other ghoul was gone. "You know what I will go out there." She got up and grabbed the map and headed it out. "All I need to do is be careful." She whispered to herself.

She started vigilantly stalk the empty roads and check the empty shops. The night helped cover her from preying eyes. She had a goal, a goal to seek out that person who Kazu hated. And know what happened.

It seemed really empty and quiet. No-one had attacked her yet. She was being as careful as possible while also avoiding going anywhere near the center. Seeing ruined shops all around made her feel gloomy. Most nights on the outside are bright, here everything was dark and silent.

She slowly made her way to the office buildings. She makes it to the main gate and is attacked by four people at once. "Sorry miss it looks like you can't go any further please consider leaving." One of them said.

Hikari's kagune bursts out and slashes all four them away wounding three of them. "Alright, listen up I was already in a bad mood and you just screwed yourselves." Her opponents get back up and start using their koukaku.

She slashes at them as they stand defensively trying to avoid all damage and for some reason didn't fight back

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She slashes at them as they stand defensively trying to avoid all damage and for some reason didn't fight back. "What happened, why aren't you trying to fight huh?" Her voice falls on deaf ears as suddenly she gets pushed down and someone's kagune wraps around her completely immobilizing her.

A tall man with striking orange eyes who was very elegantly dressed in a black suit. "I am sorry miss we seemed to have started on the wrong foot. How about we introduce ourselves to each other and I take you on a tour of the place." He said in his silky smooth voice as he extended his hand forward.

Well, how's this chapter, tell me in the comments, vote of if you liked and share as well. I will try to be more consistent with uploading more chapters. I am also trying to add more substance in the story instead of it seeming like a bland retelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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