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Hello Shroom here, I know it's been a while and stuff but im currently rewriting this and thank you for the people who supported this fic before, I am so grateful for yall and shit

3rd POV

Deku sat up from his bed,

Just waking up and stretching his arms as he turned off the annoying ass alarm

"Cant i just sleep in some more"

He mumbled to himself as he blinked a few more times only to remember they had a sleepover the night before

He glanced at the alarm clock again

7:00 am

He stared wide eyed and panicked as he quickly woke the others up


Deku shouted hurriedly as he got ready putting on his clothes

The dekusquad panicked and started changing and sprinted so fast down the stairs they swear that they could be mistaken as flash of air

They panted down as Iida stares at his watch


Iida quickly inhaled a breathe and walked to the kitchen cooking something as quick as he can

"We should arrive on time enough tho"

Uraraka said slouching down on the table as she mumbled it to the others, obviously as equally tired as all of them

Tsuyu stood up and got them all water

"Thanks tsu"

Deku said also laying down on the table with uraraka as Todoroki was on the floor half asleep

"Here's breakfast" Iida said as he put hos glasses up and quietly walked to Todoroki waking him up gently

Todoroki nodded and thanked Iida as he walked to the counter with the others

"Mmm shtill sho good as ever Ten!"

Uraraka said chewing on her pancakes enjoying it

"We better hurry tho, Class is starting in 20 minutes"

Deku said glancing at the others as they suddenly speed eat the pancakes like it was the first food they had in years


Iida carried Deku and Uraraka while Todoroki carried Tsuyu

Iida quickly sprinted carrying the other two while Todoroki ice skated to the school campus

They arrived as fast as they could looking like they had ran a marathon as they entered class just in time when the bell rang




Once they all heard the bell every student quickly went to their respective seat and Aizawa walked in

"Already class today's lesson is Genealogy, Does anyone know or heard of it?"

Momo raised her hand as she answered

"Its a chart representing family relationships in a tree structure type"

"Correct, now lets dig deeper, an example of Genealogy is Tracking and charting where you came from and who your ancestors were is an example of genealogy.

The group of ancestors from whom you are descended is an example of your genealogy."

An hr later

"And thats it for today, Before any of you go out and have ur lunch, study ur group of ancestors and pass it on monday, I will not see anyone late on passing this or you will get an F immediately, This will also count as 60% of ur grade so treat this properly

Alright you may go now"

3rd POV

As the lunch bell rang, students came flooding out and rushing to the cafeteria not wanting to be late to it,

The Dekusquad immediately got onto their respective table and talked until Uraraka brought up the assignment

"Hm so what do you guys think?"

She asked

"Think abt what kero?"

Tsuyu asked as she pointed to her tongue

"The assignment"

They think abt it for a second until Uraraka asked Deku

"Ne, Deku - kun how abt you?"

Deku tilted his head confusedd

"How will you do ur assignment?"

Uraraka continued

"Hmm i think I'll ask my mom, well apparently aunt?"

The dekusquad smiled at him slowly processing what he just said




Uraraka said slamming on the table so loud everyone stared at her

"Uraraka pls get down and calm down"

Iida said as he slowly sat Uraraka down

"Anyway what do you mean by "aunt"?"

Uraraka repeated as she looked at Deku like she was investigating something or someone

"Well recently Auntie Inko told me-"


"Izuku dear can you come here?"

Inko said from the living room as deku rushed in

"Hm? What is it mom?"

He asked tilting his head

His mom signaled for him to sit beside her

"I need to tell you something that ive been hiding from you for years"

She said staring at deku softly yet sadly

Now izuku was really confused

What did she mean by that?

"Izuku im not your mom"

Deku stared at her with wide eyes


Deku yelled out

"Izuku darling, ur real parents were too busy with everything to take care of you, oh pls dont hold a grudge against them"

Inko quietly sobbed at that until Deku came up and hugged her

"I would never hate you"

Deku said to her as they just stayed like that hugging


Word count: 844 words

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