Wow plot 😮😮

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Wow im uploading after months (shocking news!) (REAL NOT FAKE)

After all that sad sappy shit and comforting

Gon and Killua had finally decided to give their kid the family history, they called in the children

"Izu come here"

Killua yelled out to which he heard footsteps as a response and just as he thought that his son appeared

"Yes dads?"

Izuku looked at them in a questioning way

"Well we've decided to finally give you our family history tree"

Gon said excitedly to Izuku

Izuku's eyes beamed with stars from that one sentence

"Like father like son"

Killua could only think, seeing the two

"Alright Izuku come sit down sit down!!"

Gon said in a happy tune while patting a chair beside him also with stars in his eyes

"Okay so, Hun do you want to start with your family first or mine?"

Killua pointed at himself while Gon hummed in response

Killua stood up and looked for something upstairs and when he went down

He showed a book? A picture book! Of his family? Huh? Didnt know he would be the type to keep that type of stuff

The white haired boy only smiled as he walked back to his spot in the living room

"Here we have Maha Zoldyck also is one of the oldest in the zoldyck family but not much is known about him really but he is very strong and is untouched"

The green haired teen took note of this and pulled out his notebook from god knows where and started taking down notes

"Next we have my grandfather Zeno Zoldyck, he is a professional assassin and an extremely skilled Nen practitioner"

That caused Izuku to pause bc what in the actual fuck was nen

"Dad? What's nen?"

Izuku asked confused on what it was.

Was it a quirk? A power of sort? Was it stronger?

Multiple questions flooded Izu's mind but his father explained it all

"It's a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy (known as aura) the term "Nen" can also be used in conversation to refer to aura. A person capable of utilizing Nen is colloquially referred to as a "Nen user", while those who cannot go by the designation "non-users"

Because one can craft a great variety of parapsychological abilities through Nen, it is considered a dangerous power that is kept hidden from the public at large to maintain balance in society."

As both Killua and Gon were explaining this, Izuku was taking down notes hurriedly due to him also wanting to do research on this further back at his dorm

"Anyway back to the family tree, This is my father Silva Zoldyck, he worked carefully as an assassin. It is Silva's logic that Zoldyck assassins should not move until victory is guaranteed; until then, they should wait but i guess he had his moments of being a good father"

Killua said in a sort of weird? Tone

"And this is his wife, Kikyo Zoldyck and by god, i do not like her one bit so we will skip past her"

And thats the end of part 1 sorry guys but like WILL MAKEPART 2 TMRW EOWOWOWOWOO


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