Therapy Time Bishe

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And I give you......................... Genshin Angst, Better watch it /threat ehem

Tw: Slight eating problems just slight, @bus3, cutt1ng and su1cid3 since I feel sad and wanted to write angst

Previously on The Truth......
"Ok, I found it" Killua shouted out "Shh! The kids are sleeping" Gon said back "Kids?" Killua said going down and started looking at Gon "What is this?" Killua whispered "Oh can't you see they're like us when we were younger," Gon said standing up "Let's just let them sleep if they wake up and move upstairs then we'll just discuss the family tree tomorrow," Gon said, "How will he know where his room is?" Killua asked, Gon looked at him with an "I'm done with you and you're overprotectiveness" "Fine fine, Let's go to bed then," Killua said hugging gon's waist from behind, Gon looked behind him and gave Killua a kiss "Okay then but just sleeping" He said, Putting his index finger over Killua's mouth "Sure"

Deku woke up on a.......... Bed? He was on a bed but why? He looked to his side, Only to see his boyfriend sleeping peacefully, Breathing evenly, He smiled and scootched over to his side and went back to sleeping, After about 3 hours more of sleeping it was eventually 10 am and Deku was woken up by his boyfriend playing with his hair and just admiring him, Deku groaned and opened his eyes "Goodmorning babe" Todoroki said kissing his forehead, Deku responded with a giggle, He got up, took a shower (With Todoroki) and headed downstairs

"Goodmorning Dad and Oto - san," Izuku said smiling sweetly with Todoroki behind him "Hello Mr, Zoldyck and Mr, Freecs" (They haven't married yet since Kikyo didn't approve) Todoroki said shyly "Oh hello Izu and Sho," Gon said calmly and sweetly 'What's this feeling? I've only felt this when with the squad and Deku..... Is this what being loved feels like? (as in fatherly love you idiots and since Endeavour is a Lil shit Todoroki is new to this whole family thing)' Todoroki thought "So what do you guys want to eat?" Gon said, Killua whispered something to Gon, Making him blush furiously while smacking him gently "I'm not hungry... I don't usually eat" Todoroki said, Gon frowned and thought about something..

"It's okay if your not hungry but please eat later," Gon said worriedly, Todoroki was amazed Izu's Dad really is like him, Todoroki just nodded and smiled

After eating

"Hey Izu" Killua said "Hm?" Deku said looking up at him "Let's go to the attic and look for the book" Killua said smiling, Deku just hummed in response while walking away and going to the attic "Hey Todoroki" Gon said walking to him, Todoroki gave him a confused look "Are you okay, Has endeavour done anything to you?" Gon asked concern in his eyes.

Todoroki's eyes widened and he wanted to say everything but it was like something was stopping him....

"Hey it's okay you don't need to tell me but if you need to talk I'm free," Gon reassured him as he placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder "He used to abuse us," Todoroki said suddenly, Gon was taken aback "i knew it!, That monster I cant believe he actually did that"

Gon thought as he showed a pissed off expression

"Cmon let's take a seat and you can tell me everything",

They walked to a room, They both took a seat "So Todoroki what did he to you?" Gon asked again "He abused us, Me and my siblings even my mom" Gon's eyes went wide 'That idiot, why would he even think of doing that? Doesnt he know how precious a person's life is, if i see him, im going to murder him' Gon nods as he shows sympathy for the split haired kid

"Did he do anything else?" Gon asked concern still filling his eyes "He drove my mom crazy resulting in her to go to the hospital" Todoroki said while looking like he was on the verge of tears

"How did you feel when that happened? How did you cope with it?" Gon looked at Todoroki and asked,

Todoroki just stared for a few minutes before answering

"I did some things i regret.. I needed to feel something... A punishment anything"

By this time shoto had already started crying a little

"Breathe with me Shoto, its gonna be okay. Take ur time and I'll be here" Gon whispered to Shoto as he hugged the boy

"During middle school...I" Shoto mumbled the last words

"What was that?" Concern filling Gon even more

"I almost killed myself" Shoto finished as he curled up on himself

Gon stood up and hugged Todoroki

"It'll be okay, im here, ur friends are here, we care for you so please tell others if you are suffering, okay?"

Gon said reassuringly as Shoto just nodded as sniffled

"Thank you"

Shoto whispered to the adult

"I'll always be here for you kids"

Gon whispered as he continued hugging him not knowing or caring how long it takes

After 1 hour

They left the room and they went to their partners

"Hey Sho, It's okay I know what happened I promise to always be by your side" Izuku said as he immediately engulfed the boy into a hug, Todoroki just smiled and closed his eyes as he hugged the boy back

Gon smiled at the sight

"He reminds me of you before you know?" Gon said looking at Killua "So is he okay?" Killua asked Gon frowned "No he isn't, They all suffered alot because of a sick sick bastard, his brother and mother left.....The world almost lost a kid due to Endeavour's fucking shitty personality" Gon whispered to Killua angrily

"That bastard.... im gonna kill him when i see him, im glad you're here" Killua said,

"He reminded me of you...back when i left you, im sorry" Gon said,

Killua looked at him surprised "Don't be, its the past, i have you and thats all that matters now" Killua said "I love you, I dont even know why i thought of leaving you before" Gon smiled at the white haired boy as he hugged him

"I love you too my angel"

Hehe sorry sorry I was just craving angst that's why I made this angsty also if anyone needs to talk just pm me

Update: its me from december and yes i updated it shut up

Word Count: 1079 words

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