Ur my what

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Huhu my bad for the delay but school is being an ass and exams are today and im writing this at like 3am so yeah enjoy this as i sleep after writing

Deku just stared in pure absolute disbelief

These two people right infront of him

Right in his very eyesight

Are his dads???

Suddenly with a look that said "yknow what ive see everything"

He finally walks to them and bows down

"Um hello- uh?"

Deku was confused on what to call this man-

No, his dad???

The white haired individual chuckled as he stared at deku

"Killua aka your dad but you might not be used to that so just call me killua"

Killua spoke and smiled softly

"Mhm! And im gon! Your other dad hehe?"

Gon said scratching his neck while smiling at Izuku

Izuku who was still shocked

Quickly shook his head and just nodded

"We're here to talk about why we did...that"

Killua said emphasizing the "that"

Deku obviously knowing what it is already

Deku nodded along as Killua pointed to the car

"Get in the car for now ans we'll discuss with your..um... Auntie"

Killua said mumbling the a silent "mother"

Deku just sucked in a breathe and went in the car

"Wowww he really looks just like us"

Gon says with stars in his eyes

"Of course he does Gon, we made him like that"

Now Deku grew confused over that one sentence

"Made" they dont mean literally right?


Made as in they designed him?

They *made* him

He had to research about this

He just had to

"Annddd we're here!"

Gon exclaimed happily as he stopped the car

"Lets go kid"

Killua says as he opens the door to the backseats

Deku just mumbles a thank you and walks behind them

*knock knock*

Gon knocked on the door

And as he was about to knock again

Deku's mother- i mean auntie opened the door

"Ah Gon, its been forever, how are you? Have you been eating, look at you you're so pale, come, come inside, I'll cook you something"

Inko said like a mother as Killua chuckled at it

While Deku smiled along with it

"Ah Inko, as cute as ever (like puppy cute not the icky) and calm down, we came to talk about things with Izuku"

Gon explained beaming at Inko

Deku waved at Inko and put on a smile

"Ah right, yes you're right, i forgot about that, come, come inside so we can talk"

The green haired mother? Auntie? Said as she gestured for them to go inside

All three of them remove their shoes and enter

"Come and sit, we'll talk when you have eaten"

Inko said like the mother she is

Gon laughed at this and commented

"You're still the same as ever, still as motherly you are"

Inko smiled at this and Deku just put his head on the table

Maybe he should rest for a bit

All these family talk is making him sleepy

*5 mins later*

Killua looked ahead of him and saw his son, sleeping peacefully on the table

He smiled and signalled to Gon and Inko

"Oh my, he must've been tired"

Inko had whispered

"I'll bring him to his room if you don't mind"

Killua said politely as he carried the boy

"Ah of course, just turn to your left and you'll see it"

Killua nodded at this and brought the boy on the bed and put a blanket on him

Word count: 588 words

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