Chapter 19

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(2 weeks later)

Harry POV

I've decided i want to ask Louis to be my boyfriend. Ever since he's proved that he likes me and only me, I've decided I can trust him. It's Saturday and I'm planning on taking him somewhere. I asked him if he wants to hang out tonight and stay over, he said yes.

I want to be able to call him mine ever since the start, since I looked at him for the first time when I burst through those doors on my birthday. When green meets blue, god I had no clue what was going to start that night.

I told him I'm going to take him on another date because technically I am. I get ready because it's already 6:43pm it's only just getting dark out.
I shower and put my long curls in braids like Zayn taught me. I put on some loose black jeans that go wide at the bottom along with a shirt that says "but daddy I love him" on it. I put on my shoes and head out.

I get in the car with my roses I bought earlier going to the flower shop down town instead of the one near Louis flat. Anyway I get to Louis flat building at 7:53pm and the sun has just gone down, enough time to get to the place.

I walk up the flat building getting to his door, I knock three times. Louis opens the door with a big smile, I look him up and down, he's wearing a dark red and black jumper and some black jeans. "You look gorgeous" I breathe out.

He comes and hugs me tight, once we pull apart he kisses my cheek and says "and you look stunning" while touching my braids, "how long did it take to put your hair in braids haz" he laughs

"Too long, why don't you like them?" I ask him, Louis shakes his head and grins. "Oh I also got you roses, I um hope you like them" I say and his face lights up.
"Oh Haz I love them!" He squeals
"Come on we don't want to be late, I'm glad you like them love" I say

We walk down hand in hand to my car once we get in Louis looks at me suspiciously. "What are you planning you idiot" he looks at me.
"That is for me to know and for you to find out." I laugh

Once we get there Louis still looks at me strange but doesn't say anything. "Okay so there's a path up to the top so we don't need to walk, don't want to tire out your little legs" Louis gives me a middle finger rolls his eyes but laughs.

Once we get to the top I open Louis's door, he gives me a kiss in return. "Come on I wanna see what your being so secretive about" he says not knowing what I have in stall for tonight.
Once we get there, there's a material on the ground I smiled knowing what it was, candles were on the ground so we could see. "Haz..." Louis says knowing what it is.

"It's a lantern maker like- like in the film tangled.." I pause me and Louis just looking at each other "do you um like it?" I say unsure
"Harry I love it, come on let's go make it" he smiles, I nod and follow him.

After lots of fiddling around with the lantern we finally got there. "Hold on don't let go or light it yet Lou" I ask him and he says okay. I turn around away from him and start to write on the piece of paper I had in my back pocket.

For our future adventures, we stay together....even if things don't go as planned, we'll be alright.
I have found my home, home doesn't need to be a place I realised that thanks to him, to L.

I fold the piece of paper and place it in the lantern. Louis smiles at me. "Ready Haz" Louis says I nod at him as he lights the lantern we look at each other still holding it.
"3....2....1....go" we both say in unison.
We let go and I take Louis hand into mine and I pull him into my chest.

We both look up at the lantern slowly making its way into the night sky just enjoying each other's company.
"Louis..." I whisper
"Hmmm haz" he whispers back

I pause but finally having the guts to say it.
"Be my boyfriend?" I ask quietly, Louis smiles at me, he nods rapidly.
He turns towards me fully now, my hands round his waist. He kisses my forehead, then my nose, then my cheeks, then my lips. We both laugh into the kiss.
"I thought you'd never ask Hazza" he giggles. We stay at the top of the hill for another hour just feeling at home.

*authors note*
What a cute, this chapter is a bit of a small one I hope that's okay. Comment and give feedback, vote if you want. For more updates follow my Instagram account at Tommoway100 you can ask me anything there.
Enjoy reading, all the love love love Ruby <3

Word count = 886

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