Chapter 24

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Play the song when you see *** !!

Okay firstly I would like to say a massive thank you, I've almost gotten to 1K reads wtf! I know it's a small amount but to me it means the world. So thank you everyone for reading! <33

Louis POV

"Lou come on it's been two months, you quit your job and haven't even spoken to Harry, maybe he wants to explain, you haven't even spoken to Zayn or Li" Niall says to me.

"Thanks Niall I wasn't aware" I roll my eyes at him getting another bowl of cereal.
"Louis cut the shit okay, it's fucking summer, you never know you could meet someone." He says to me

"I was raped Niall, do you fucking know how traumatic that is! Then two days after I saw the love of my life kissing another bloke" I walk off into my room just like I've been doing for the past two months. Constantly going in and out of my room for food and drinks.

Niall thinks there's something seriously wrong with me. He says that he wants the old Lou back.
Screw that.
I cant sleep, every time I close my eyes I see flash backs of the night with Dylan, then Harrys tears streaming down his face, then at the field Harrys lips on another's.

It felt like my whole life was crashing down on me. I was too angry to explain to him, about that night.

Every so often I hear Harry knocking constantly at the door. Niall would talk to him, then he would leave. When Niall isn't home, he comes and he knocks. He would knock for hours. He would sit with his back against the door whispering 'I'm sorry' , 'forgive me' , 'I can't let you go' , 'you were the best thing that happened to me'

His knocks gradually get quieter, lulling me to sleep most nights. Most mornings I wake up and look outside the door hoping Harry is still there, but he never is. I don't have the courage to look at him, or even talk to him, my words would get stuck in my throat, just like the first time we met.


Tonight Niall went out and leaving me once again. But it's okay I like the space. That's until the knocking of Harry starts. It's almost every night. "Hey Louis I know you probably can't hear me, but I just want to say I'm sorry, Niall said he was out tonight so I wanted to talk to you, you don't have to say anything, just listen." Harry says outside the flat door.

"I don't know what happened that night but whatever it was, I know it wasn't your fault, I shouldn't of ran out at the club, I should've shoved him off you. I shouldn't of went and let my anger take over, kissing a stranger infront of you, at our place." He sighs, theres a pause

"What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry, I'm sorry Louis, i love you, you mean the fucking world to me even if I still messed up and you probably don't want me anymore, I need you, I crave you. I haven't felt like this about anyone" Harry says "i don't know what I'm doing here, it's so stupid, your probably sick of me." He continues.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry, and I'll do whatever it takes" Harry sniffles stuttering on his worlds, now realising he's crying.

I want to hug him. Tell him it's okay.

I walk closer to the door, my feet patting across the floor. I sit down onto the carpet listening to his breathing. I sound like a creep I know.

"If y-you wanted to know, Liam and Zayn have gotten together, they are super happy, Zayn always begging me to be his third wheel so I don't feel lonely" a smile creeps onto my face, Liam and Zayn deserve each other.

"Gemma would've really liked you, she is the only person in my family who supports me, you guys would've gotten along really well" he says

"I quit The Pulse too, there is too much memories, I got a job at a music studio, I clean all the instruments and work with small artists" Harry says, guilt washes over me 'there is too many memories'

I move so I can lay on my back trying to make as little noise. There's a few minutes of silence but Harry starts to hum a song I don't recognise.
"I want to play you that song, you don't know it because I wrote it, got a little help from my friend, it's um called Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart, so if things do get better, I insist on playing it" he whispers.

He starts knocking on the door quietly, tears start to form, going down my cheeks, trying my best not to let a sound out. I just need his words and soothing knocks.

"I want Dylan in jail after what he did, I don't know the full story, I just saw what I saw, and you looked like you were being forced, I want him behind bars. But you can tell me when your ready, if you decide to talk to me again" he chuckles after that last sentence,

I smile because I know he cares, he knows he messed up. So why can't I bring myself to talk to him.

I look to the side seeing his outline of his shadow, he stays quiet just breathing and sniffling from crying. I want to go back in time and change everything, I should've stayed with Harry after he left to talk to Liam and Zayn. I should've been brave enough to scream my way out of being raped.

Harry sighs and I see his hands go onto the carpet to lift him up, seeing him about to leave. I don't want him to leave though. I knock on the door very lightly, making Harry turn his feet quicker than ever. "L-Louis?" Harry says. I wanted to cry out to him and to be in his arms.

"Your words lull me to sleep Harry" I say

*authors note*
Hello my lovely people, I was not expecting to do another chapter but here we are. Please comment and give feedback, follow my Instagram account at Tommoway100. Vote if you want, thank you again for almost 1K reads!!
All the love love love Ruby <33

Word count = 1085

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