Chapter 1

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 (Trigger warning: mention of attempted rape)

(Y/N)'s life had always been complicated, especially when it came to romance. The (H/C) haired woman was never good at dating and was single through most of her time in college. To be fair she had always been focused on studying. But, when she met a certain male a lot changed in life. His name was Dabi, at least that's what he said his name was. (Y/N) was pretty sure he was using a fake name but she never bothered to ask. He was mysterious, maybe even a bit scary if she was going off appearance. He was tall, a lot taller than herself with pale skin. His body was covered in purple burn scars that were held together with staples that dug into his skin. His eyes were a brilliant shade of blue that she often got lost in without realizing it. His hair was a deep black that reminded her of the night sky. His voice was deep, something she found attractive to wake up to in the morning.

   Dabi was dangerous, she was well aware of that. But something about him just drew her in. The (H/C) haired woman knew she shouldn't ever get involved with someone like him but she did. She could recall the first time she met him. It was late at night and (Y/N) was walking home after taking a closing shift at her minimum wage job. She had always hated walking home at night, but she didn't have enough money to take the bus. She was walking as fast as she could, her eyes flickered around the empty city streets. That's when it happened, a male, clearly drunk approached her. His clothes were dirty and ripped and his hair was greasy. He stumbled holding an almost empty bottle of alcohol in one hand. She cringed the smell wafting off of him making her want to throw up.

  "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here alone" he asked his words slurred. (Y/N) kept her eyes forward walking away from him, she could feel her heart beat getting faster as she silently hoped the man would wander off on his own.

  "Hey, don't ignore me" thr voice said, he sounded clearly angry as the (H/C) haired woman slowly reached into her purse. Her hand found it's way to the bottle of pepper spray she always kept with her for situations like this. Picking up her pace she kept looking forward not wanting to give the drunk any attention.

  "Hey bitch" the man cursed grabbing her by the arm. (Y/N) was spun around to face the man, he glared at her gripping the bottle. Her heart racing the woman tried to pull herself out of the strangers grip. However he was surprisingly strong for some drunk homeless guy as she couldn't free herself. He pulled her closer his eyes wandering over her body as if she were nothing but a piece of meat.

  "Why don't we have some fun" he asked with a dark laugh. (Y/N) began to panic, she was only twenty one she didn't want to be raped in an ally while walking home. She was thrown against the nearby wall as she yelped in surprise. The man pinned her wrist against the wall as she tries to struggle out of his grip.

  "Don't struggle" the man said covering her mouth with a sadistic smirk on his face. His hand hovered oved her chest getting closer to it,

  "please stop" (Y/N)'s muffled voice begged. He laughed ignoring the girl's begging.

  "What a scumbag" a deep voice said, (Y/N) could hear the sound of footsteps approaching the two. A tall male appeared from the darkness, he was wearing a well worn, black jacket. He was looking at the male a hint of disgust in his crystal blue eyes. The drunk let go of (Y/N) glaring at the stranger.

  "It's not nice to get into other people's business" the homeless guy sneered.

"I can't help but notice that you're making her uncomfortable" the male frowned.

    "That's none of your business" the drunk smirked clearly not scared off by the stranger's presence.

   "I think it's my business when some scumbag is trying to rape an innocent girl" the male said walking closer. He grabbed the drunk by the arm prying him off of (Y/N) who fell to the ground shaking. The drunk man screamed in pain a burn appearing on his arm. A blue flams appeared form the saviors hand. He let go the homeless man who scurried off leaving (Y/N) alone. The pair of blue eyes flickered over to her a casual look in them as the male approached her.

    "You ok" he asked kneeling down in front of her, (Y/N) nodded still a bit nervous around the man. Getting a better look at him she found him intimidating, he seemed to have a strong quirk and could probably kill her without a second thought.

"Hey, you don't gotta be nervous, I saved you after all" he said a smile appearing on his face. The sight was oddly calming as (Y/N) took the hand he had outstretched towards her. She dusted off hed work uniform giving the stranger a kind smile.

   "Thank you..." shs paused not knowing his name.

  "Dabi" he introduced himself,

  "just call me Dabi" he told her.

"What about you" he asked her, the woman was honestly surprised that he wanted to know her name.

   "I'm (Y/N)" she said, the male looked at her for a moment as if he was considering something.

  "Why don't I walk you home" he suggested,

   "you don't have to, I don't wanna bother you" she said rubbing the back of her neck.

  "It wouldn't bother me, I wanna make sure you get home safe" he told her. (Y/N) sighed,

"how do I know you won't hurt me" she asked.

   "I just saved you, doesn't that mean anything" Dabi asked.

  "I guess your right" the woman sighed,

"alright, you can walk me home" she said. The male followed close behind her glaring at anyone who looked her way. It gave (Y/N) an odd sense of comfort having him around.

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