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Jalaj asked "Sir would you mind if I ask you how do you sense the smell of the magic ink?" The saint looked at him and smiled, he said "My child, I would love to tell you but you would never be able to sense it. This sensing of materials present in the air needs a special elevation in life. It can be done by people who are out of the greed of this materialistic world." Jalaj smiled and went into a separate room to change his clothes.

After he freshened up and came in front of the scholar, the scholar said "Officer, I can tell you one thing. As I said you can't sense the smell, but if you ever come in contact with such person who has ever touched that magic ink in any way and in that very moment if your mind is calm and you are relaxed then the little toe of your leg will tickle a bit. You can feel that and act." Jalaj gave a wide smile and thanked him, he said "I will remain grateful to you always, I needed someone especially like you to solve the mysteries behind this case. I can't thank you enough for coming and staying with me. Thanks a lot."

"No more formalities, it is time for my meditation let me relax", the saint said. After the saint completed his meditation and chanting he said "My instincts force me to believe that I can find something related to this case in Bhola's house, will you take me to his house?" Jalaj was overwhelmed he said "Surely, why not, I will do everything possible to give justice to Bhola" with a pause he continued in a deeper voice "And also to find him."

The saint said, "Then tomorrow morning sharp at 5:00 AM we will visit Bhola's house, do you have the keys?" Jalaj was in thought as it was too early for him but he replied "I don't but the neighbors have, after the incident of that toxic fluid thrown by the king, he didn't go back to his house, I brought him to my house but unfortunately I couldn't take proper care of him, it was all my fault that is why he went missing." The saint said, "Calm down, go and get the keys from the neighbors now, we should not create disturbance in others life for our purpose." The scholar then without wasting a single moment went to sleep, Jalaj gave his bed to him, so he slept on a couch, next to the bed. But as the Saint asked him to bring the keys from the neighbors so he went out and as soon as he stepped out, he saw few soldiers of the king, standing behind the trees near Jalaj's house, it seemed like they were spying on him, he acted like he had not seen them and moved towards Bhola's house, he knocked at the doors of Bhola's neighbors and waited, as he moved his neck just to check if the people were inside the house or the door was locked but as soon as he moved his head, a familiar face opened the door, it was the girl who had solved the mystery behind the symbolic language. Jalaj was surprised, hesitating a bit he said "You live here, this is not your house as far as I remember."

The girl replied, "Yes, this is my house now, the people residing here moved to a different village and so my father took this house from them as transportation is more convenient from here." Jalaj said "Oh! Nice to know." The girl stared at him with a question mark face and after a while asked "And? You came here for?" Jalaj asked, "Yes actually I wanted the keys to Bhola's house, I hope the previous neighbors of him must have given it to you all." The girl replied, "I don't know, let me ask my father." Jalaj was about to ask her name when she moved in, after few minutes her father returned with the keys, he handed them to him. Jalaj replied "Thank you" he was about to leave when the girl's father asked "Did you find Bhola? See, everyone is blaming you but I know it is not your fault, it is just a bad time, I assure you, soon you will solve the case." Jalaj thanked him and asked "Sir, may I know what is your name?" The man replied, "Surely, I am Indra." Jalaj replied, "Indra Sir, your words have given me a new zeal to work, I will put more effort and surely solve the case."

Jalaj took the keys and walked towards his home, he was happily walking when he remembered that the soldiers were spying on his house. He thought of taking a different route and decided to catch them red-handed. He walked for some time and then after half an hour, he could see the glimpse of the soldiers and his house. He moved slowly towards them, though unclear but he could hear them, one of them said "We know who the real culprit is but still we can not speak anything." The other one said "What are you saying? Will you go against our king? Do not forget we work under him and if somehow he comes to know that you are speaking against him, he will kill you."

The previously speaking soldier said "It is not about standing against someone, it is about supporting the truth. But what can we do? As you said the king will kill us if we utter a word against him, so leave it." As they stopped the discussion, Jalaj coughed, both of them were shocked to see that Jalaj was standing just behind him. He said, "I think both of you know that what is the punishment for spying a senior officer, you both will be put behind the bars." Though scared still with a laugh one of them said "Our king will get our bail." Jalaj laughed louder and said, "You both believe that king will get your bail like seriously he will spend his valuable time getting bail for his not so known soldiers." He kept laughing.

The soldiers were scared a lot, finding no way out one of them said "Please don't take us to the jail, please forgive us, I know our king will not get our bail and if he comes to know that we are caught then he will kill us instantly. Please forgive us." Jalaj looked at them for some time "He said I will forgive you but you will need to work for me as I say and you will need to do that without informing the king." Both of them looked at each other and after thinking for some time agreed and asked "We will work for you, but what will we have to do?" Jalaj gave a witty smile.

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