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When I called out Karkat's that morning, John had looked at me like he wanted to punch me in the face. I actually shivered under his icy glare.

"Why're we walking with him?" He hissed under his breath.

"I-I just... want to. I'm being friendly," I said. "We're being friendly. C'mon, it's just to school, 's not that far."

John just rolled his eyes and sighed. I thought he'd be in a sour mood all day, so when he came and sat next to me in homeroom, all smiles and laughs, I was surprised.

"Well, you certainly look like you're in a better mood," I said.

John smiled at me. "Yeah, I just had to... take care of something." He leaned against me and took my hand, lazily intertwining his fingers in mine. "Anyways, I was wondering if you could come over after school?" He looked away and bit his lip, blushing slightly. "My dad won't be home 'til 9..."

My cheeks warmed as well and I immediately got what he meant. "Uh, sure. I don't think I have anything to do tonight."

"Good," John said with a grin. He slid his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. In my ear, he purred, "Can't wait."

A shiver of arousal ran down my spine. At the same time, the bell rang, but I was too focused on John to notice. I also didn't notice when the teacher took attendance and Karkat was absent.

* * *

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Each time I saw John, he'd wink and smile smugly. I could hardly wait until dismissal. When the bell finally rang, I wasted no time hurrying to my locker to collect my things. As I rushed outside to meet John, I ran into someone. I mumbled a soft "sorry" but kept walking without turning to see who it was. In the courtyard, John was leaning against a tree. When he spotted me approaching, he broke out on a happy grin.

"Hey babe," he said. He took a step towards me, and I slid my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He leaned forward, and gently pressed his lips against mine. It was, at first, a slow, soft kiss, but as John turned his head, it deepened and became more intense. He hooked his arms around my neck and pressed his body into my embrace. I stepped forward, pressing his back against the tree as he ran his tongue across my bottom lip. I parted my lips and felt his tongue enter my mouth. It brushed against mine and I moaned softly into his mouth. I ran one of my hands up John's back and tangled it in his hair. I knew it drove him crazy, and I was rewarded by the feeling of John's crotch hardening against my leg. I moved my mouth to his neck, gently sucking and kissing the sensitive skin there. I felt a shiver run through John as he dug his fingernails into my back.

"Dave," John said with a short chuckle, "we need to get home first."

Reluctantly, I pulled away. He slid his hand into mine and smiled at me. "C'mon."

The usually short walk from school to John's house took nearly 30 minutes because we kept stopping to make out against fences and trees and things. It was only through John's gentle persuasion that we made it to his house without having sex on the sidewalk. When we finally got to his house, we immediately dropped our things and pounced on each other. We kissed frantically, me pressing John roughly up against the door and him tangling his hands in my hair and moving his hips to grind our crotches together.

I pulled away, breathing hard. "C'mon, just a few more feet." John nodded breathlessly and took my hand, leading me to his room. As soon as we got inside, we collapsed in a heap on the bed. I straddled him and roughly pressed my mouth against his. I ran my tongue across his bottom lip, asking for entry. He parted his lips, allowing me to explore his mouth. My tongue quickly found his , and when they touched an involuntary moan was forced out of me. I felt John smile against my lips.

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