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[I won't give my personal opinions about ships,I will give those opinion which these characters will give if they were really doing this, According to there nature and the little details usually most of the people misses.]

They all sat until.Order thought of breaking Silence

“Alright, people let's react, Okay so first of all you all are going to react to a ship!”

“Uh... okay, Which ones Regular ships or Air ships? and is there something special about the ships we're react?” Asked Armin in his usual low voice.

“Wha– Oh Sorry...I forgot you don't know about the ships I am talking. Well it's another term for a couple which mostly made by fans and some of them real, the real ships are called canon, if you think that two people will look cute if there together, can just ship them and make a word by joining there doesn't matters if there male,female,trans,or if they're straight or not!Got it?” He explained.

Most of showed a little bit interested others just shrugged.
“Oi! You said that most of them are made by fans, does that means we have fans?” Asked Humanity's strongest soldier.

“Yes Captain and you have the highest Number of Fans,Even more than Eren and Mikasa.”

Captain Levi for the first time looked a little amused.
Then Hanji raised her hand,
“Is there any limit of this thing you call shipping?” She asked with her usual Excitement filled voice.

“No! Shipping doesn't has any Limit, Only thing matters that if you find them cute together! You can say I ship it! Or you think it's not cute or if you just simply don't like it say I sink it.” He explained.

“Okay Now lemme get to the rules,No Violence allowed including verbal violence, Respect and take others point of view about a ship or other things in good way and it you think that the, if you any person's point of view is not quite agreeable or is wrong you can just have a friendly debate. Clear?”

All the people looked at him and nodded.

“Okay just look at the screen” he said and everyone obeyed

“Our First ship is NOT one of the most popular ship BUT it is the Most Popular Ship! It's EreMika!” He said and most of them already knew what he meant until.

And Who didn't knew,

They found it out,when the image appeared on the screen.

Eren blushed a little same did Mikasa and hid her face under her scarf.

“Aww...!They both look so cute!” Hanji said“Ship it for Life!”

“Tch. I ship it cause, I would be less brothered in savings that brats ass if this happened,plus if they got together That brat would spend most of his time with her, and she wouldn't be looking for him like every minute,and she would walk less around the headquarter, and if she walk less my floor would get less dirty” Levi said.

Most of them looked at him dumbfoundedly.

“Well,I guess it doesn't matter if you find them cute or not if you have benefits you can ship them too.”

“We ship it!” Said Connie and Sasha at same time.

“I sink it! She deserve someone way better than that Suicidal Bastard!”Said Jean Clearly filled with jealousy.And Received a glare from Eren.

“Alright! Alright!” Order said clapping his hands.

“As I said you must respect others,point of view of Jean thinks Mikasa deserve someone better than Eren then it's his Point of View let's just Continue.Mikasa What do you think”

“Uh...Wha..I...I think I ship it...” She whispered but others were not able to hear it

“Mikasa,I can even hear your thoughts but I can't say the same for the others, please speak a little loud.." Order said.

“I ship it..”She said her ears were completely red and that part if her face, Which was visible too was red.

“Well..I guess we should move,Eren.” Order said.

“Uh.. I-I do ship it...I actually like Mika...” He said and his face turned red.

All of them except for,Levi,Order, Riener and Ghost,Gasped.

[You might be wondering,I said I'll give the characters opinion but Now I am shipping EreMika, While Eren said he hated her, Remember guys,In chapter 138 in Mikasa mind or that time loop Eren said that he wants to live his final years in peace with Mikasa,He just her so it has high probability that he just said that it gets easier for Mikasa to kill him cause he might've wanted it to happen. And if you Notice Carefully Eren hesitated to say she hate her. Plus when Mikasa kissed Eren's Chopped off head his lips were in shape of Pour too.So We can land on conclusion it's a canon.]

And Before anyone could say anything Mikasa kissed Eren's cheek.

“I like you too Eren” she said and they both blushed like crazy.

“Armin!” Order said

Drawing Armin's Attention who smiling happily at his bestfriends,who just turned into something more than friends.

“Huh...I ship them." said Armin.

“Me too,they both look Cute together and I want Ackerman to be happy” Annie said with a smile.

Everyone except for Levi and Order looked surprised.

“Maybe,You don't trust me but I consider you a friend, Ackerman and I know you don't do same, maybe I don't it.” She said looking down.

She was feeling guilty for hurting them...

For breaking there trust...

For being a selfish bitch...

Mikasa felt a little sorry for her but she shrugged the feeling, thinking she deserve feel that for a bit.

Armin kept a hand on her shoulder.

Annie turned to him He just gave a smile, for some reasons he just likes to be around him.

She smiled back softly.

“Anyways let's just continue.” said Order.When he saw it was Riener.

“Okay I your going to say
pass so let's just get to Bert.”

“Uh... First of All I am truly sorry for whatever I did... Sorry because of Me you lost your whole family...and sorry for trying to kill you about whole time,I  second well I ship it.” He said and smiled a bit In the End.

“Well I'm happy because, Armin served you right.” said Eren.

And suddenly Bertholdt got flashback of past.

When Armin ate him.

“S..Sorry... for that bert.” said Armin drawing him from his trance.

I reply he just hugged his knees.

“Well I guess it's Enough for right now!You guys should rest for Now!”

End of the Chapter

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