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"Knock knock." A voice boomed from the outside of my door. My mother usually knocks, but doesn't say the actual words. Besides, this is a man's voice.

"Who's there?"

"I'm sorry I didn't actually prepare a knock knock joke." Archer. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "Can I come in?"


"Your mom let me in. She's quite nice. How you feeling?"

"Tired. Just a runny nose and I start coughing randomly. Also I have this big ass headache."

"Language. Your mom left saying she was going to get some medicine and grocery shopping. I could make you soup. I make great soup. Let me make you soup Elizabeth."

"Go ahead brownie. Just don't make me wait so long, I like your company."

"Sure." He cracked his knuckles and looked to the floor for a second. He took a few steps towards my bed and placed a soft gentle kiss on my forehead. "You'll feel better in no time. Promise." He left the room before I could respond, but I didn't miss the pink glow in his cheeks.

I liked Archer, a lot. I liked his company and his stupid remarks. And I love his book obsession. I love his big brown eyes. God his lashes. I would do his makeover one day, you'll see. Did I tell you how much I like his smile. I smile when he does. It's really addicting.

As I waited for Archer's amazing soup to arrive, I grabbed my laptop and opened Netflix. I was in the middle of watching The Breakfast Club. Best movie if you ask me. Actually, the second best movie. You know what, that's not true. Fifty shades of grey. That shit is amazing. I have a favorite movie depending on the day, feeling, and season.

Soon enough, Archer came back a bowl of soup in one hand and a pack of chocolate in the other.

"If you finish it all, you get chocolate." Now that's a deal.

"You sound like my caring mom."

"More like caring bo-friend. More like a caring friend.  I have another word in mind, but I can't really use it right now. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Now eat up birdie." I took the spoon and had some soup.

Holy shit this isn't some lipton soup... this is really good.

I scooted over so Archer could sit next to me. He took the hint. We both fit perfectly in my full size bed. Without him noticing, I smelled him. Just a little. I mean, if you were in my position you would too. I couldn't handle myself. He smelled like the ocean with a mix of a rainy day.

I absolutely loved it.

"So Elizabeth, tell me everything about the audition." Archer said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, it was good. I think I did good. No, actually I think I did fantastic."

"That's what I wanted to hear birdie." I looked at him a smiled, before taking another sip of the soup.

"The director said I'll probably have to go back for another audition, but who knows I might not get the part."

"You will get the part. Trust me. You're amazing at everything you do. And since you finished, it's chocolate time." He opened the snicker bag filled with fun sized snickers. "Do you know what got you sick."

"Yesterday after the audition it started raining and I got wet. After I got in the car and turned on the air conditioner so I suppose that is what made me a little stuffy. I'm sure I'll be good tomorrow."

"You will. Now." He grabbed my laptop and placed it on his thighs. "Lets watch a movie. I've already watched The breakfast club quite a few times, so let's do something else." He went to the Netflix tab and searched for a few minutes making little side comments to the movies he passed. After supposedly not 'vibing with any movie' as he said, he switched to disney plus. He did the same thing as he did with Netflix until he stopped on Let it Shine.

"I've never watched this movie. I'm surprised my sister hasn't made me watch it."

"You've never watched this movie!" I exclaimed. Let it shine was a classic disney original movie. One of the best hands down. "Oh we're definitely watching this so get comfy. Beware this is a musical, so my amazing singing skills will be coming out." 

He then took the laptop off his lap and moved it to the edge of the bed. He moved a little until his head landed on my thighs. I pressed my lips together as the butterflies filled my stomach. He grabbed the laptop and moved it closer to us, so we both had a nice view of the movie.

His head on my thighs. His head on my thighs. His head on my thighs.

"Is this okay with you Elizabeth?"

Oh my fuck

"Yeah." My voice came out as a small whisper when I felt his thumb stroking the part of my thigh his head didn't cover.

I wasn't able to concentrate much on the movie. I mean if you had the guy you liked with his head on your thighs I'm sure you wouldn't be able to either so keep the comments to yourself thank you very much.

Should I play with his hair? It just looks so soft, like a cloud. It's beggin for me to touch it. It looks like it smells really nice.

Just do it Elizabeth.

Nike better call me for their next campaign.

I did. Softly I led my hand travel down until it was placed on his head. Not wanting him to feel weird, I gently rubbed his hair. Gosh this is really soft. Cotton candy level of soft.

"Why you stop?" Archer turned to me as the credits for the movie appeared on the screen.

"What- the movie ended."

"I don't care. I liked it."

"You're such an idiot."

"Funny." He grabbed the plate that once was filled with soup. "I'm going to do the dishes. I'll be back in a few." I nodded before grabbing my phone. I hadn't checked it in more than an hour. I was dying.

Not literally... I was dying cause I hadn't checked my phone.

Just as he promised, a few minutes later Archer was back.

"You're moms back. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Yeah." He leaned down and brushed his lips against the edge of my mouth.

He kissed me?

Our lips weren't really pressed together. And it happened really quickly. But his lips were not on my forehead, but on the edge of my lips. Progress right?

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"No problem Elizabeth. Tomorrow?"

"If I'm feeling better."

"You will."

He left and I was left alone in my room with a stupid smile on my face. Archer almost kissed me. It was soft and unexpected, but he almost kissed me.

lets ignore this shitty chapter thank you
Elizabeth really wants that kiss, but Archer is too shy... cute

The Summer of 21 {complete}Where stories live. Discover now