Chapter IV - I Haven't Been Saved

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Emily woke up and became immediately aware of how much pain she was in. She sat up slowly, uncurling from the crumpled position she'd slept in. She hadn't crawled under the covers last night. After Kowser had left she'd collapsed on the bed and sobbed herself into oblivion. Though apparently she'd had enough awareness to flip a blanket back over herself. Even the unidentified fur wasn't enough to fight off the chill that still hung in the room.

    Her gaze wandered across the room, illuminated in the pale morning light. She took in nothing.

    What am I going to do? The thought had plagued her through the night. I can't go home. She'd just paid off The Rival. It was finally hers. I can't stay here either. Kowser and Rek were nice enough, but that didn't make up for the two individuals who might kill her. How could Kowser talk about them so calmly? Of course, it wasn't his life on the line. She had to leave. But where would she go? She'd only been outside of Halogaist once before. Well, now it was twice. And she had no money--

    Someone knocked on the door. Emily jumped.

    "Emily?" Rek's tentative voice came through the door. "I came to walk you down to breakfast."

    So they were serious about not letting her walk around alone.

    "Just a moment!" Her voice was still croaky from sleep and crying. She swung her legs off the side of the bed, wincing every time she moved. The serious injuries may have been healed, but all the soreness was still there. The stack of extra clothes was still on the nightstand. Much to her displeasure, there wasn't a skirt or dress. It was all men's clothing; loose fitting pants that seemed to be the style among wolfkin, a cotton shirt with a wide neckline. Both were too big. The only pieces of clothing she actually liked was the large knitted sweater and the wool stockings. Both were skillfully made and dyed in tones of blue. Thanks to the thick stockings, the slightly-too-large boots practically fit. She ran a hand through her hair, fingers catching on curls and snarls. There was no helping it.

    Emily grabbed the key and went to the door. She paused. This was the safest place in all of Wullferg Keep, perhaps the only safe place. Her stomach growled. Being torn to shreds would be faster than starving to death, and probably less painful. She unlocked the door and pulled in open.

    Rek was leaning against the wall, knitting at a furious pace.

    "Good morning!" He smiled and stood upright, pausing in his work. "Sleep okay?" He gave her a long look. Emily had no doubt that she looked like a wreck.

    "As well as I could've."

    Rek nodded sympathetically. "Not well then. I'd say breakfast will make everything better but Aelean and Trivter are cooking and they're abysmal at it. At best there will be oatmeal." He tucked his knitting into his pocket and started to walk.

    Emily followed, not really having any other options. They were silent all the way down the staircase.

    "I do need to warn you before you meet the rest of the pack--no, they're not all threats to your life--but they won't exactly be friendly."

    "So that's it then?" Emily's voice sounded peculiarly flat, even to her. "I'm just staying?"

    Rek paused, turning to face her.

    She stared at her feet. "What if I don't want to?"

    "I'm afraid you can't leave."

    "I'd rather risk death than abandon my entire life."

    "You still can't leave."

    She looked up, eyes hard. "Why not?"

Her snarl didn't unsettle Rek. He just looked sad. "Because you know we exist."

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