Chapter VII - Someone's Going to Lose an Eye

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Trigger Warning

Waking up was difficult. There was no gentle awakening and stretching in the early morning sunlight. As soon as Emily's eyes opened, exhaustion weighed down upon her. It was the kind of exhaustion that brought aching and nausea with it, and when she sat up her head spun. She had never actually crawled under the covers last night, but ended up flipping them over backwards at some point. The cold certainly hadn't helped her sleep.

I don't want to exist today. And really, she didn't have to. She didn't have any formal responsibilities. If she wanted to stay locked away all day, she could. The dark temptation fluttered through her mind like a crow, perching upon the mountain of pain and fear that kept piling up.

There was a knock at her door. She'd forgotten that no one seemed to want to leave her alone. Ever.

"Emily?" It was Fisk. "It's pretty late, you're going to miss breakfast."

"I'll be out in a moment." Her voice was still froggy from sleep.

"Alright." She was too caught up wondering how late it was to notice the funny catch in Fisk's voice.

She dressed in a hurry, not really caring to put herself together. Running a comb through her hair was the only thing she really paid attention to, not wanting her curls to turn into a matted nest as they were wont to do. Braided and pinned up, she felt almost half like herself. But the black crow still hovered in her mind.

She opened the door, pulling her sweater into place, not paying nearly enough attention to who was standing just beyond it.

"You know, you don't have to come get me--" her words cut off with a gasp.

Fisk stood hunched over, eyes fixed on the floor. He was beginning to cry.

Halowick had him by the arm; his bait. But as soon as Emily was in view, he let Fisk go--only so he could grab Emily by the collar instead.

"Scream and I'll break your neck." His eyes were shards of ice; he didn't make empty threats. "Fisk, go stand guard."

Fisk cast Emily an agonized look, a well of unsaid apologies pouring from his eyes. But he turned and walked down the hall anyway.

"So," Halowick shoved Emily against the wall, not quite choking her, but very close to it. "You had a visitor last night, didn't you? A very funny one at that."

Emily was speechless. Halowick knew. He knew about Lupe. Her first feeling was something akin to relief. She wasn't the only one who knew. She didn't have to carry the secret alone.

"Answer me!" His words were barely more than a snarl.

Emily looked up into eyes that were so pale they were almost white, except for the very black pupil that was oh so inhuman.

"You know about Lupe."

"Lupe?" He kept his voice at a whisper. "He has a name?"


"What is he doing in your room?"

"He--I don't really know. He just likes to be in there."

Halowick looked incredulous. His grip slackened, now only his arms barred Emily.

"I can't make him leave. He acts like it's his room and just comes in wherever he pleases." The words gushed out of her like a flash flood. Finally she could tell someone about this. She didn't care that it was Halowick, she just needed someone else to know. "He'll just sit and stare out the window or ask me questions. I don't know how to keep him out." Her voice broke and with it the ever weakening dam that held but her tears.

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