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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey so this isn't really an original concept, but I really like this concept but sadly there aren't many fanfics about so I decided to write my own. I added 2 of my ocs I really love and I hope that's fine with y'all.

The blade of marmora was known for all of their members being galra and working to stop Zarkon. Not many people knew about them since that would increase danger to their organization. So they would always go on missions leaving no trace of who could have destroyed Zarkons base. Keith was the only one though that didn't have a galra appearance.

He was told that he was half galra, though didn't specify what other half he was and he had a choice to work with the marmora or leave. Since Keith's mother had gone to a mission when he was 5, he decided to stay. He was still young so he didn't really know how to survive on his own. The marmora main base had all basic needs, it had hospitals, schools and scouts who would go and get supplies.

Keith would often get teased since he was one of the shortest, actually scratch that he was the shortest among other galras. But he was never bullied, the teases were just for fun and usually just about his height, Keith knew that. The teases were never meant to hurt his feelings, and the nicknames weren't that bad. 'Shorty, midget' or any other tease that  meant short. Even if the nicknames were just meant to tease him and not meant to bring harm, he couldn't help but wish sometimes he looked at the rest of the galras. So he would mostly keep to himself.

When Keith was 13, he had met a galra named Arnoux. Arnoux had fluffy hair and ears, his fur light purple, and was not that tall compared to the other galras. When Arnoux met Keith he immediately liked him. (Not romantically) He approached Keith and talked to him like he knew him over years. They would talk 24/7 in class, always managing to make their teacher upset.

Arnoux also had introduced Keith to his other friend called Zane. Zane had spiky hair, dark purple fur and fluffy hair. The three boys soon became like family, they would go on missions together, and most of the time not take them serious. Well..mostly Keith and Arnoux.

Zane would be the one that would keep them on track though. Who was the main reason why Keith and Arnoux could even go on missions. You see once you turn 18 you could take the test that had the requirements to be part of missions, Zane made Keith and Arnoux study their asses off so they could all graduate together.

"Here's your mission for the next 2 days," Kolivan said to the three boys. "You're going to take out a galra base. Your time limit will be 30 hours, giving you 6 hours to get back here. And the next 12 hours will be used to get you over there," He instructed them. "Go get ready,"

Arnoux, Zane and Keith left and started to get ready for the mission. "Hey Keith, I dare you to record me fight, while you are fighting," Arnoux said as he grabbed his knife. "Ha armature, I dare you to run away from a galra soldier without attacking it for 5 minutes straight!" Keith said smirking. Zane rolled his eyes, "You two be you, as long as you finish your damm job,"

About 12 hours later, they arrived at the base and started taking out the soldiers. "Why do they look like that??" Arnoux said has he took out a galra soldier. "How the fuck should I know??" Keith asked laughing as he fought a soldier. "Guyssss focus!!" Zane scolded them out.

About an hour later, they were already done. (They pretty much knocked out all the galra soldiers and put them all in pods leaving the space ship to themselfs

:v yes I suck at writing fighting scenes) Which meant they had a few hours to spare. So Keith and Arnoux got the head of one of the robots and decided to play catch with it. "Am I the only one who's a little disturbed?" Zane asked looking away from the head.

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