Chapter 3

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Keith headed back the Lance's room to go and rest. When he got there he saw Lance already fast asleep. He looked over at the ground and saw that there was already a mattress there along with a pair of pajamas on top of it. He got the pajamas, and headed to the bathroom. 

He took off his armor revealing many scars he had. They were mostly from training, but a few were from self arm from over 2 years ago. While cutting himself, he cut himself way too deep leaving a scar on his skin. He did stop cutting himself thanks to Arnoux and Zane...

He put on the pajamas Lance had given him revealing that they were obviously a little bit too big on him. After about 10 minutes he headed to the mattress and went to sleep.. . 

They next morning, Keith, Arnoux and Zane were the first to wake up along with Coran and Allura. "Oh your 3 are up early," Allura said when saw the 3 blades walking inside the main room. "Yeah..I guess were just kinda used to waking up this early," Zane said rubbing his neck. "Or more like I could hear Keith's snoring from a mile away," Arnoux teased making Keith punch him. 

"Well since you 3 are up, maybe you can help us with waking up the rest of the paladins!" Coran suggested. "Really? May I suggest a veve (Ok quick note, y'all know how space is much more advanced in Voltron? Yeah they have memes and vines over there in this AU so 'veve' is just the space version of 'vines') song?" Arnoux said almost laughing. 

"They're humans that were raised in Earth Arnoux, I bet they won't understand it," Keith reasoned with him. Although he did kinda want to wake up the paladins with a veve (vine) song. It was way too tempting. "Awww, hey Princess Allura what's a fun way to wake these guys up without using a veve?" Arnoux asked her really exited for her answer. 

"I'm not really sure...and what's a veve?" She asked confused. Keith and Arnoux both gasped dramatically. "Well princess, I did some research on what teenagers in space now in days did and 'veve' seems like just a bunch of silly videos or songs folks make posting them online," Coran explained to her. 

"I see..." 

"I got it!! We tickle them!!" Arnoux shouted. "Dude...that's the best idea you had all morning!!" Keith said teaming up with him. "This isn't going to end well..." Zane mumbled. "I'm sure it won't be that bad, after all as my great grandpa used to say-" 

Zane turned to see where Keith and Arnoux were but just to realize they were both gone and he was stuck by himself with the two alteans. One probably trying their best to hide that they hated him. Well..that's what he thought at least. 

"Ok who should we tickle first??" Arnoux asked evily. "I say..Hunk he seems like the most ticklish!!" Keith suggested. They both headed to Hunk's room and surely enough saw him sleeping cuddling a cat stuffed animal. "He's such a cinnamon roll..." Arnoux pointed our looking at Hunk. "I say we tickle him and when he says stop, but with the other two...we suffocate them." Keith said with a smirk. 

"You're so evil, I like it!" Arnoux said getting his hands ready. They both started to tickle Hunk and after about 30 seconds he woke laughing, and said stop about 2 times before Keith heard and stopped making Arnoux stop to. "Don't worry you were sparred, now for the other 2..." Arnoux said while Hunk was gasping for air laughing a bit. 

"Well that's a weird way to wake me up," Hunk said finally calming down his breathing. "Duh, it was either this or blasting a veve song" Keith told Hunk with a smirk.  "What's a veve?" Hunk asked genuinely curious. "Just a bunch of funny videos and songs, mostly teengers and kids use it, adults says it's a waster of technology," Keith explains. 

"Sounds like something back on Earth, except it's called vines," Hunk told them. "Great so your not soo behind as I thought!" Arnoux said a bit sarcastic. "Rude," Hunk said laughing a bit. 

"Well we gotta go and torture the rest of your teammates!" Arnoux said starting to run, "See ya," Keith managed to say before following Arnoux. 

The next person they decided to wake up was Pidge, which didn't end well. Pidge ended up chasing them all the way to Lance room. Arnoux managed to get Pidge to join them into tickling Lance. 

"STOP, StOP I CAN'T BREATHE!" Lance said in between laughter. After about 10 more seconds of tickling Lance, they stopped and Lance just gasped for air. "Gotta say, this is a very effective and funny way to wake someone up," Pidge said with a smirk. 

"What can I say, we're smart," Keith says with a proud smile. "No last time i checked, were dumb. We got a 50% in our test last year on history," Arnoux said wanting to laugh. "History sucks," Pidge, Arnoux and Keith turned around and saw Zane at the door who looked over at Lance who was still gasping for air. 

"You showed to mercy to him," Zane said unimpressed. "You know it!" Arnoux said with a bright smile. "Anyways, Allura wants everyone ready at the main room, she found another one of Zarkon's basses we can attack," And with that Zane left the room. 

"You guys say Zarkons bases?" Pidge asked a bit strangely. "Well you guys call it galra bases, which is RACIST!" Arnoux said 'racist' in a deeper tone of voice. "You have a point there," Pidge commented before leaving Lance's room. 

Arnoux and Keith both left Lance's room by the time Lance managed to get up. 

When everyone was in the main room, Allura explained their mission. "This base doesn't necessarily have any quiensense, however it does have many prisoners so our mission is just to rescue all the prisoners and sent them to the escape pods." 

Zane coughed when Allura said this was a rescue mission "Yes Zane?" she asked a bit confused. "Princess, not to be rude or anything, my group here are gonna have to sit this one out..." He said a bit nervous. "And why is that? Yesterday I was informed I could send you 3 in any mission I want," 


"We suck at rescue missions, we make them think it's a whole big joke, they end up not wanting to follow us so they just stay there leaving us to fail." Arnoux blurt out causing everyone to stare. 

"Yes that." Zane said a bit disappointed. "How do you make people believe that they're being rescue is a joke?" Lance asked really confused. "That's the same thing Kolivan said to us," Keith said with a bore expression on his face. 

"Well then, I guess you guys will just have to do it more serious with tape over your mouths except Zane since he seems more serious." Allura said with a sweet smile. 

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