Chapter Two

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     As I began to awaken groggily I felt warmness on my body and saw lights behind my eyes. I heard the sound of beeping and whimpers of sorrow coming from somewhere near me. "Did I do it? Am I in heaven?" I thought as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

     I suddenly felt a hand tightly grasp mine. "Lou are you awake? For hells sake please tell me you are awake?" I look up into the eyes of Harry. "GUYS HE IS FINALLY AWAKE!" Harry shouted and in came running Niall, Liam, and Zayn. I couldn't help but smile as they stumbled over eachother to reach my bedside.

      "Louis William Tomlinson, how could you worry us like that?" Liam said as his responsible side shone through. "but mate I'm so glad you are back." he spoke again as a smile crossed over his face.

     "Louu I've missed my partner in crime." zayn says with a sly wink. I look towards Niall who is shaking due to holding in sobs. I was immediatly taken over with sorrow and regret. How could I not think of these guys before doing this? How could I be so selfish?

     I grabbed Niall and wrapped him a hug whispering nonsense into his blonde hair.

     "I've just missed you so much. I thought you wouldn't make it." he says sniffling.

     "I did though mate. I did."

     Finally I turn towards the face I've been avoiding all along. Harry. His eyes were red,swollen and the remnant of tears were visible in streaks down his flawless face. Just the fact that I hurt my bestfriend this much caused my heart to plummet to my stomach. I couldn't handle that look. That look of pity in his eyes. So I turned towards the walk whispering, "I need to catch a nap, I'll chat with you lads later."

     I saw Harry's lips start to form words but Liam silently shook his head grabbing Harry's wrist, dragging him out of the hospital room. I couldn't deal with this pain. I still just wanted it all to end.

     I clenched my eyes shut to hold back the tears as Niall and Zayn exited the room. From this point on nothing would be the same, between Harry and I. Nothing would be the same within One Direction. My one choice set in motion a change in events, a cascade of emotion that would forever alter my life and that of those around me.

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