Chapter 2

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Medium length I guess ❤️
Lil hurt/comfort and FLUFFFF ☁️🐇☁️ ⚠️Minor injury⚠️
Modern AU, wwx gets beat by madam yu and lwj comforts him!

Being in a family that doesn't like you is one thing, but being in a family that doesn't like you AND has the power to abuse you and get away with it, is another. Wei Wuxian always new he was unwelcome. An outsider, if you may.

Of course his Shije and Uncle Jiang would never hit him, but they always had a look of disappointment on their faces when he did something wrong. Which was quite often. But Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu, they were a different story. Still mad about having his dogs gotten rid of as a child, and an abundance of other things, Jiang Cheng would yell at him more than not, push him not-so-playfully, call him a burden, a street rat, and much more. And no one ever thought to correct him.

Not that he was ever wrong, he thought.

And Madam Yu, now that was one scary woman. She lashed her tongue like she did her belt. It was a long purple belt with a shiny silver serpent as its buckle, a family heirloom you never saw her without, nicknamed Zidian.

She would beat his back bloody with it. He would bend over onto the dining room table, shirtless, and wait for his judgment to pass. Day after day, week after week. The marks scarred. Sometimes he could barely get up in the morning, especially when it was cold out. But he managed.

. . . . .

Lan Wangji always saw Wei Wuxian as a happy kid. Always smiling and laughing with his friends. But for some reason he stuck to Lan Wangji, ever since his first day at Cloud Recesses high school. Eventually they got used to each other and their habits and became the best of friends. And he may or may not have fallen completely head over heels in love with the boy. Yea, that didn't go according to plan, now did it?

. . . . .

It was pretty normal for them to get partnered for projects, being the 2 smartest kids in their grade. Wei Wuxian always went over to Lan Wangji's house- because it has a quiet ambiance Lan Zhan, can't you tell? -but hey, who was he to complain? Maybe one day he would even have the chance to pin him down, bite him, fuck hi-NOPE. Lan Wangji mentally slapped himself. Later, when your project is finished and you are alone, you can think like that, he chastised himself, glancing over to his brother's room.

(Damn boy settle down 👀)

He was currently waiting for Wei Wuxian. Now, it wasn't unusual for Wei Wuxian to be late, but this was getting a little worrying. Checking his phone once more, no new messages, no missed calls, he decided to head over the the Jiang's. Surely he had just fallen asleep by mistake, or had got caught up in something and his phone died.


About 15 minutes later he knocked on the old maroon door. Door squeaking open, he looked down slightly to see Jiang Yanli with a tense expression on her face.

"Ah! Wangji, what brings you here?" She stepped outside, shutting the door behind her, "A-Xian didn't say he was expecting company." Lan Wangji's brows furrowed, "Wei Ying was supposed to come over for a project today. He didn't respond to my messages or when I called him, so I came over to see if he was okay. May I come in?" The Lan could tell something was wrong by the guilty look on Yanli's face.

"Ah, Wangji, A-Xian is a little busy at the moment, is there any way you can reschedu-" Cut off by yelling and the sound of glass shattering from the inside of the house, Lan Wangji's head snapped to the old door. He might of heard wrong, but it sounded like the yelling was directed at someone, someone with the name of 'WEI WUXIAN!'

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