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Short story #3

Modern AU, wwx is very very sad and lwj is the definition of love at first sight. ⚠️Suicide attempt, mentioned age gap (wwx is 20 and lwj is 28)⚠️

Wei Wuxian knew that today was the day.

He found the perfect building. It had a parking garage. so he wouldn't ruin anyone else's day by falling upon their car, it was over 15 stories high, and with public access to its roof.

It was an office building owned by Lan Corp. A very well known company that had many off-to-the-side businesses as well. They owned schools and hospitals, almost anything you could think of.

The office building was the only one near Wei Wuxian that was perfect for...that.

He wished it didn't have to end this way, but he knew that all hope was lost when Jiang Yanli had unexpectedly flatlined on that horrible, retched night. He was disowned by the Jiangs, cast out with no money, no way of finding a job (thanks to Madam Yu), and no friends to go too.

They didn't care for him anymore, not after what he had done.

He didn't blame them.

And so, he knew that all he could do to earn forgiveness was to slit his own throat.

To slice his wrists and lay in the warm water for days until someone found him, to jump from a cliff or building, to down so many pills that he wouldn't be able to come back no matter what.

He chose the 3rd option, that way he could at least watch the night sky as he fell, stars glittering in the lonely sky, the black, white, and blue of the heavens and its clouds.

That way, maybe the stars would keep him company for just long enough for him to hit the ground.

He wanted to be selfish.

Just one day, he wanted to be accompanied in his final goodbyes.

That's all he ever wanted.

                                                                                     . . . . .

Lan Wangji has been working late for the past few days and he's sick of it.

He just wants to get home and pet his rabbits, read a book, and go to sleep.

But no, he had to get these papers filled out before tomorrow, bosses orders. He's been working for Lan Corp. for 6 years now, since he was 22, and never once had to work this many late nights in a row.

But, there's a first for everything, right? So he stayed put, last one in the office, and worked his fingers to the bone.

That was, until he heard a door creek open a few rooms away. He thought that maybe one of his coworkers had forgotten something and exited the room to help them, giving himself a little bit of a break in the process.

He peeked around the corner and froze. There was a young man, no older than 20, walking towards the stairwell heading to the roof. He didn't understand why the young man was there, but he knew he had to get his phone number.

There was something about the man that entranced Lan Wangji, like a moth to a flame. The man was stunning, beautiful and slim, just his type.

Lan Wangji also may or may not have a few tricks up his sleeve, his charm coming from his mother's side, when asking others out. They never said no, and he didn't want to find out what that felt like now, of all times.

And so, when he went to follow the young man up the stairs, he was surprised to find the man already gone. Vanished without a trace. Lan Wangji stepped up a few stairs and looked around, finding nothing.

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