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Short story #5

Modern AU, yet again. A very smitten (and horny 🙂) dragonji who cannot stop thinking about a human wwx.

Lan Wangji was in love.

This was surprising to Lan Xichen.

Lan Wangji was always a shy and quiet dragon, always hiding behind his older brother at family events and formal auctions. So Lan Xichen noticed right away the slight differences when he entered high school, the impatient flicks of his tail and his days spent longer in his room or in his bed.

Lan Xichen just thought that his little brother was changing, going through something that many dragons did. It was a fatigued state that dragons went through durning their teenage years, just a natural part of their lifestyle that nobody could find the true meaning of.

But little did Lan Xichen know, that Lan Wangji already went through his fatigued state a few years ago, when he was 13, and is as energetic as ever.

He was just constantly having to rub one out.

All because he couldn't get that one human out of his head.

Wei Wuxian, Wei Ying.

The prettiest boy Lan Wangji had ever laid eyes on.

He didn't mind that the boy was human, apparently living with a family of snakes as well. Wei Wuxian runs a shop with his family, so Lan Wangji is pretty sure he's adopted. It wasn't common for dragons to fall for humans, but it happened sometimes, and Lan Wangji was just one of the ones that had the pleasure of doing so.

When Lan Wangji first met Wei Wuxian he felt like he was going to simultaneously squeal and combust. The boy was too cute!

Lan Wangji had walked into the small shop out of curiosity one day after school, immediately locking eyes with Wei Wuxian. He felt his heart stutter when he heard the smooth, seductive voice of Wei Wuxian.

It was at that moment he knew, he was a goner.

He traveled back to Lotus Pier Antiques everyday after school to talk with Wei Wuxian. He didn't care much for the Jiangs, leaving the shop if Wei Wuxian wasn't on shift. Jiang Yanli was nice, but Lan Wangji wasn't one to sit and look at pretty girls all day.

One day, when Lan Xichen entered Lan Wangji's room to check on him, he found Lan Wangji face down on his bed, pillows kneaded between is fingers, purring so loud that Lan Xichen could feel the vibrations from where he stood.

That was the day he found out about the human named Wei Wuxian.

. . . . .

"Welcome!" Wei Wuxian's voice rang out when Lan Wangji entered Lotus Pier Antiques.

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji called back, poking his head around a corner to gaze at the boy unpacking some new boxes. "Ah, Lan Zhan! What are you doing here? Don't you have school today?" The boy asked, confused at to why Lan Wangji was in the shop in the middle of the day.

"I...skipped." Lan Wangji spoke guiltily, averting his gaze with blood red ears. Wei Wuxian burst out laughing, falling back on the ground as Lan Wangji pouted.

"Wei Ying!" He whined, "Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry Lan Zhan! I just can't help it! HAHAHA-" The human wiped the tears from his eyes and stood shakily. "Anyways, what are you doing here? The great and mighty Lan Wangji, skipping school? I don't see it." Wei Wuxian said.

Lan Wangji sighed, "I..wanted to see you." He muttered, flush creeping upon his cheeks. His tail flicked in embarrassment. Wei Wuxian giggled, covering his mouth with his hand, "Geez, Lan Zhan, no need to be so embarrassed! It's really sweet actually." Wei Wuxian flushed at the small proclamation.

Lan Wangji hummed, before asking, "What are you doing after work?"

He had taken the past few hours to work up the courage to ask the human out on a date. He didn't know if Wei Wuxian liked him that way, but he had to try.

Wei Wuxian looked thoughtful, "Ummm, nothing today, I don't think. I've got an appointment tomorrow, but that should be all. Why?" He asked, eyes sparkling. Lan Wangji took a deep breath, this was the moments he had been working towards, he could not screw it up!

He looked the boy in the eyes, "Wei Ying, will you go out with me?" He started the sentence confidently, before faltering into a high pitched quiet tone, arm coming up to clutch his elbow, rubbing nervously.

Wei Wuxian was silent for a few seconds, Lan Wangji fearing he would be rejected, but soon leaped up and yelled, "Yes, yes, yes!" He grabbed Lan Wangji's hands and laughed, "I was wondering if you had the courage to ask me out! You come in here everyday and just sit around with me! It was so obvious you had a crush on me!" He giggled again, giving Lan Wangji a quick peck on his cheek.

Lan Wangji flushed scarlet, vibrating in his spot from joy. He smiled and wrapped Wei Wuxian in his arms, tail wagging happily behind him, burrowing the short boy in his chest.

This was the best day ever!!!

Hiii! Hope you enjoyed! Don't worry beyondastitva and bhava_siri your requests are next!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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