Chapter 11

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Modern AU, yes again, Lwj teaches at Cloud Recesses university, wwx comes to visit for lunch one day and people mistake him as a student trying to 'get it up' with lwj. No angst this time, yay! Just some bad bitch lwj and kisses. 💋💋💋

Wei Wuxian was super excited, today he would be able to have lunch with his husband! Lan Wangji was a professor at Cloud Recesses university so his schedule was pretty packed most of the time.

It was rare that he got enough free time to call Wei Wuxian and tell him to have lunch with him, but sometimes it happens. Lan Wangji had called him today and asked him to bring lunch for the both of them, that he missed and loved him, leaving a heavily flustered Wei Wuxian on the other line.

He had chosen one of Lan Wangji's favorite restaurants to pick up the food from, eagerly driving to the old university to meet his husband. He pulled into a parking spot and grabbed the still warm food and hopped out.

He made his way through the hallways and mingling students, smiling brightly. He stopped at the correct classroom and knocked, getting no answer. He knocked again louder and jiggled the door nob, finding it unlocked. He shrugged and walked inside, eyes searching for Lan Wangji.

He placed the bags of food gently on the organized desk, sitting in the swivel chair.

Lan Zhan probably had something to do, I'm sure he'll be back soon. He thought, scrolling through his phone.

He had been waiting for no more than 5 minutes when the door opened with a clank. He looked up with a big smile, "Lan Zha- oh." His eyes widened at the sight of the man that was obviously not his husband.

"What are you doing in here?!" The man barked, scowling. Wei Wuxian stood and bowed, "I'm Wei Wuxian, I'm waiting for Lan Zhan so we can have lunch together." The man scoffed and grabbed his upper arm, "Yeah right, I don't believe it! Do you think I'm stupid enough to think that I don't know what you really want?!" He spat, pulling him out the classroom.

Wei Wuxian was confused, trying to plant his feet in the ground. "Hey, stop!" He shouted, tripping over his own feet and only succeeding in making the other man angrier. The man yanked him harder, surely making a hand shaped bruise in his skin, "Shut it! Who's your home room teacher?! I'm reporting you!"

"Stop! I don't go here, I'm not a student! I'm 24!" Wei Wuxian shouted, confused as to why the man would think he's a student. "I'm just having lunch with Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji, one of your teachers, my husba-" He was cut off by the man opening a big oak door, thrusting him into the office space.

He returned his bruising grip to his arm, making him whimper. "This student was in Professor Lan's classroom and refused to tell me who his home room teacher was. He said that he's having lunch with Professor Lan, which we both know is a lie. I'm sure that this student was attempting to sleep with Professor Lan, probably to raise his grades since he's obviously a troublemaker." The man told an older woman sitting at a large desk, stunned after the abrupt entrance.

The woman sighed before Wei Wuxian could defend himself, "What's your name? This vile behavior against the rules of Cloud Recesses university and you will be punished accordingly. Attempting to sleep with a teacher? Despicable." She muttered the last part, shaking her head.

Wei Wuxian opened his mouth, "I'm not a student! I'm 24 years old, I only came here to have lunch with Lan Wangji, my husband!" He said, exasperated. The man and woman both scoffed, "Husband? Don't make me laugh. You think you can pull off a 24 year old man? You think wrong." The woman said.

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