C12: First Mission

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"Ok for this mission, it will be the dream squad plus Maggie," Taeyong said. "If, Maggie, you're able to handle it" Even though I had some doubts I nodded. I had a feeling I could handle it.

"I also want Yuta and Ten to be a part of it. The rest are dismissed"

"As of the last meeting, there is one more base of the Odd-eye gang that needs to be destroyed. The OEG don't usually do big stuff like this, so it's weird they kidnapped Maggie in the first place"

" You could say it was odd", Chenle remarked giggling while doing so.


"You guys are no fun today"

Taeyong rolled his eyes "This bookstore in town should be it. Maggie you said that's when they started following you?"

"Yeah", I said, "When I walked in that when they started acting weird"

"Okay. I don't think they are working alone on this one, but I still think we should destroy them while we can. It will even leave a message for whoever is in charge to not mess with us." Taeyong took out a layout of the store.

"There are three main exits; the front, back, and left side. Haechan and Mark will be at the back, Jeno and Maggie will enter through the front, and Renjun will be on the left side. Jeno and Maggie will distract whoever is working at the front. You need to do something to bring them away from the counter.Renjun, I need you to place this bomb behind the counter and immediately leave. Haechan and Mark, Make sure no one leaves through the back. All the staff should be a part of the gang. The bomb has 5 minutes before it goes off. Once the bomb is placed I want Maggie, Jeno, and Renjun to leave immediately. Ten and Yuta will be in the van waiting for you in the parking garage nearby. Haechan and mark, Ten will tell you when the bomb reaches the 2-minute mark. After you make sure no one leaves, block the door with something and leave. If any of you are having trouble, Ten will guide you. Meanwhile Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin, you stay in the van and if only necessary come out and assist. Is everyone clear?" We all nodded our heads.

"Alright everyone, Good luck"

It was around 7 when we arrived and it looked like it was still open. I was wearing casual clothing since I wasn't on a stealth mission. Me and Jeno walked into the store seeing the old lady at the register.

"Good evening. Is there anything you need?"

"Well, we came here earlier and left something here. Is it okay if you can help us find it?", said Jeno.

"Really? I was at the register all day and I don't remember you two walking in," she said as she crossed her arms.

"We didn't stay for that long", I said. I was starting to get a bit nervous.

"Ok then, what did you lose?"

"I lost...um...." Ok, so I don't think I was ready for this mission. I should have trained a bit longer and planned out what I was going to say.

"Wait, you do look familiar", she said.

"Oh, that's nice"

"No. Only you. And it wasn't today. Have you been here before?"

"N-no, only today" the lady was looking at me in a way that i couldn't even describe. She started to reach towards something under the counter. Renjun came inside and looked at us. He pointed at his watch and kept walking by. "Jeno, help me out please", I whispered. We did have a time limit since the shop was closing soon and it felt like time decided to be fast today. A small quote from my father popped in my head.

Note 6: You are like a domino. Your own actions can cause others to fall

If I messed up, this would hurt the whole gang. I could be the person that leads to their downfall. Suddenly Jeno grabbed my hand and rubbed circles with his thumb. I felt my heart slow down. He then whispered in my ear, 'Don't worry' and lifted our attached hands up to where the lady could see.

"We just got engaged and she lost her engagement ring. I think we lost it over there so can you help us look for it?" She stared at me a little longer until resentfully nodding her head. We walked over to the area Jeno pointed to and I quickly typed through my watch that we were ready for step 2.

The lady didn't see Renjun walking to the counter to place the bomb. He stood up and gave me a slight nod. I tapped Jeno's shoulder and signaled with my eyes to it.

"Well I can't find it anywhere", said Jeno.

"Oh, well I'm sorry we couldn't find it," she said. "It's closing time actually, so could you guys to come back tomorrow? In the meantime I'll look around some more"

"Ok, thanks for all your help"

"Alright then. You two have a good night." Before we left, I had seen something in the corner of my eye on the lady's ring. I don't know why, but it just sticknout to me. I shrugged it off since we only had five minutes.

We made our way out the door seeing Renjun go towards the parking garage. I quickly texted through the watch to Ten saying that we were coming. We made it to the van and in a few more minutes, we heard a loud explosion. Haechan and Mark came towards us and we rode off.

Mission Complete.

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