𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Okay so....before this book I made a prequel that was about Belle's mom and dad.
I hated it so I unpublished it but I COMPLETELY forgot that Belle's accident was written on THAT book! I'll just publish the chapter that has to do with her accident here bc as I said. I HATED AND STILL HATE the book that has to do with her mom and dad :)

 I HATED AND STILL HATE the book that has to do with her mom and dad :)

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Beckett: Belle's dad
Liah: Belle's mom

Beckett(Belle's dad)



"Where's Everly and Harvey?"

"Ev is on FaceTime with Ezra and Harvey is with mom helping her change Elise's diaper."

Oh yeah, after Harvey turned nine we found out Liah was pregnant again but with another girl. Elise is what we named her.

Belle is currently fourteen, Everly is sixteen, Harvey is ten and Elise is only six months old.

Liah and I made sure we got me all tied up so we won't have anymore kids.

Four is more than enough.

"Dad, I'm gonna go out to the park with Kayla if that's okay."

"Yeah why not, text or call if anything happens okay?"


Belle hugs me and then runs out the door to the park that's only a fifteen minute walk from Cane's house where we are right now to celebrate him and his fiancée becoming parents.

He forgot to pull out as we can tell.

"Okay! Little Elise is all fresh now right Babygirl?"

Elise claps her hands and makes grabby hands at me. I pick her up and rick her on my hip and kiss her chubby cheeks.

We sit down with Cane and his fiancée Lyra and chat for a bit.


"Oh come on Belle! You have to be more free spirited and not be all goodie goodie!"

"I don't know Kayla, making out with guys is not me. My dad says I should wait until I'm with a good guy in the future to do special stuff like that with."

Kayla rolls her eyes and keeps on walking to a car full of guys that gave me a bad vibe.

"Kayla, aren't these boys in like high school? We're still in middle school!"

"We're both in eight grade, besides I look like I'm their age or somewhere near them."

It's true. Kayla looks so mature. With her straight brown hair and mature like features such as long eyelashes that kiss her cheeks and full pouty lips and pointy yet full eyebrows and clear brown eyes.

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