「Double Negative」

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"You're crazy."

"I am not!"

"It's not logical."

"It's basic math!"

Back and forth, Yoongi and Hoseok argued and giggled about double negatives.

"You know that if a negative is multiplied with another negative it makes a positive!" Hoseok exclaimed to Yoongi, trying to get his point across. "And if two negative words are in one sentence, they cancel each other out!"

"Yes, I understand that... but I just don't understand how a double negative applies to kissing."

"Then let me explain."

Hoseok stood from the floor and looked Yoongi in the eyes.

"As you know, people kiss people all the time."

"Yes," Yoongi said, quite bored but listening nonetheless.

"Now, you also know that being gay is seen as a negative thing."

Yoongi chuckled a little, "Yeah."

"If we kiss two times," he held up two fingers for emphasis, "they'll cancel each other out."

Yoongi had to stop himself from rolling on the floor with laughter.

"Basically, if we kiss two times, it never happened!" Hoseok beamed with pride after he finished his explanation.

Yoongi gained his composure as Hoseok sat back on the bed.

"So if we kiss twice, it becomes a positive?" Yoongi asked, still chuckling.

"Well, cancels out, but sure."

Yoongi pulled Hoseok by the back of his neck and placed his lips on Hoseok's. They held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling back. They look into each other's eyes for a brief moment before kissing again. This one held longer and with what felt like more meaning than the first.

Yoongi pulled back first. They smiled and giggled at each other before the others came back to the room with a new card game for them to play. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and dumb conversations.

The kisses the two shared were canceled out but not forgotten.


short but sweet :)

I hope you have a good day, evening, or night where ever you are

I Wuv You


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