「Kiss Me, Please?」

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"I'm not weird," Hoseok thought to himself. "Why they say Hobi is weird?"

Tears continuously streamed down his face as his mind remembered what his father said to him after finding out about this. About his littlespace.

All he was doing was innocently coloring in his coloring book. He was doing no harm. He was calm and happy.

Until his father walked in.

The mean and hurtful words his father said to him would stay with him for a long time.

"First you're gay and now this?!" Hoseok's father yelled.

The insults. The yelling. The hurt that he felt from his father's words. The stabbing pain he felt as each word slipped from his father's lips.

The backpack felt even heavier than it did. His suitcase moved as if the wheels have fallen off. He felt weak. But he was almost there. Only a couple more blocks. His legs seemed to be slowly giving out. Why did he have to live so far away from him?

Once he had finally arrived at his intended destination, he walked up the driveway and went to the front door. He timidly knocked on the hard door. He waited a few moments, but he had no answer. He knocked again.

"Ish he sweeping?" Hoseok thought as he waited for a response.

He soon heard the doorknob rattle. It then twisted and he saw a face appear as the door opened even wider.

Finally, a familiar face that he knew he would be safe with. One that would never judge him for who he his. How he coped. Who he loved.

"Jinnie," Hoseok whimpered.

"Hoseokie?" Seokjin asked in surprise. "What are you doing out here so late?"

The tears began to fall harder as he was reminded of what happened back at his house.

Jin understood that whatever had happened Hoseok is not in the headspace to talk about it. The only thing he could assume was that his family isn't too fond of the idea of Hoseok being a little. It's terrible really. They could barely accept that he was attracted to the same gender.

"Come in, Hobi," Jin said. "It's awfully hot out here."

Hoseok kept sniffling as he followed Jin into the house while tears still slowly trailed down his cheeks. Jin led him to the guest room. The room was quite small and had a smaller bed than he and Namjoon, his boyfriend, have in their room. Jin assisted in helping Hoseok get comfortable. Once he was settled and had calmed down, Jin went to Hoseok's backpack, which was sitting under the window next to the bed along with his suitcase. He searched through the bag until he found his stuffie and his pacifier. He placed the stuffie in Hoseok's arms and the pacifier in his mouth.

Hoseok was indeed tired due to his constant yawning and his heavy eyelids. Jin placed a light kiss on his forehead and left the room.

Jin entered his room and lied back down into his bed with his boyfriend. He felt strong arms wrap around his waist.

"Who was it?" Namjoon asked.

"It was Hobi, poor thing," Jin replied. "He was crying, and he was in littlespace. I could only assume that his family found out."

Namjoon hummed in understanding.

"He also had a backpack and suitcase," Jin continued, "meaning his parents kicked him out."

"Really?" Namjoon asked in disbelief. "He must be so scared right now."

"It's even worse that he doesn't even have a caregiver or lover to comfort him."

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