leftover stories!

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stories i never got round to posting, you might like them so im posting them in this big ol chapter!

i made this out of boredom, i hate it-


"Cmon man! I didn't even run tha' fucking far in tha' halls!" Mondo yelled.

"I honestly didn't expect the hall monitor to give you a detention that quickly." Leon commented.

"Okay, Leon, what? You see the ultimate moral compass and don't expect him to give detentions to people breaking the rules? Its shocking you passed your test yesterday." Kiyotaka retorted, while giving each of them a detention slip.

"Ya know the hall monitor has a good point." Mondo spoke, carelessly pointing at Kiyotaka before grabbing the slip.

"I thought you were on my side for this!" Leon whined before relucently taking the detention slip.

"Also, Owada, I have a name you know? Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Also if you plan to call me names, please for the love of God make it creative. You do not know how many insults I've been called. So if you are going to insult me, at least spend time trying to think of a original one." Kiyotaka lectured, in all honesty, he just wanted to go to his dorm and study. Kiyotaka didn't give the baseball star and biker time to respond, he just pushed passed them and went on his way.

"Did th' guy wake up on the wrong side of th' bed this mornin' or somethin'?" Mondo said in slight awe that the 5'9 man had the guts to lecture him on insults.

"But hey, he basically gave us permission to call him names! We gotta try make up some original ones." Leon explained, while slightly hopping on his toes.

So thats what they did.

The next day, both Leon and Mondo spent their lunchtime searching for the moral compass. They eventually found him at the back of the school in the garden, eating alone out of his bento.

"Hey, oxygen thief!" Leon yelled out, bringing the attention of Kiyotaka, who was the only one in the garden last time he checked.

"I'm sorry, but I've already been called that, sixteen times, you wanker." Kiyotaka spoke calmly despite the words coming from his mouth.

"Wha'?" Mondo responded. Out of all the things, that? What even is a wanker? Mondo thought

"I dont have the time to explain it to you. Now if you would excuse me, I need to head to my politics class." Kiyotaka asserted as he stood and walked toward the doors of the school.

"Did.. did we just get insulted by the hall monitor?" Leon spoke in awe.

"I.. I think we did. Also wha' the fuck is a wanker!?" Mondo slightly yelled, not enough to be intimidating, but still raising his tone of voice nonetheless.

"Not sure. I'm pretty sure it's a insult in England though." Leon explained.

"Is Ishimaru british or somethin'?" Mondo asked.

"Maybe, I dunno." Leon shrugged.


As Kiyotaka was walking towards the gate he noticed a familiar pompadour, along with a red head snickering as they walked up to him.

"Soooo, Taka. We were thinking about what you called us, yeah? So we have a question. Are you British or something?" Leon asked.

"No, its just funny to see your brains try and figure out what the word means. For example, I can imagine Leon being a roadman, or Mondo dating a chav, I doubt you know what those mean though." Kiyotaka retorted.

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