~the week before it happened.~

255 6 21

requested: no
Headcanons: Hiroko uses all pronouns (its very minor but its there), su1c1dal Taka (me too lets goooooo)
Angst or fluff: angst, hurt no comfort :D...
Ship: a bunch of hinted ones if you squint
WARNINGS: su1c1dal thoughts, eventual su1c1de, H4nging

god these warnings make it sound so much sadder then it actually is


Biker Bro !

Bro: hey bro u werent in school today, u
NEVER miss school sooo wassup?
Read, 3:42 PM

Oh, I am just sick. Thank you for worrying though.
Read, 3:47 PM

Bro: didnt u like go to skool lookin like u
were dyin last month tho
Read, 3:50 PM

I decided to take you're advice, and take a day off.
Read, 3:56 PM

Bro: u sure u ok tho? im your bro and i need to know
wassup w you so I can help
Read, 3:58

I'm fine.
Read, 4:01

Bro: no lies?
Read, 4:03

No lies :)
Read, 4:05

Kiyotaka sighed and placed his phone on his bedside table. He was so tired, not literally, just tired of everything.

It was a lie.

He was not fine.

He was just so tired.

Tired of living, that is.

Biker Bro !


Bro: u werent in again today, still sick?
Read, 4:12 PM

Yeah, hopefully I will be better soon.
Read, 4:14 PM

Bro: want me to bring u soup or somethin?
Read, 4:17 PM

No no, there is no need.
Read, 4:20 PM

Bro: whatever u say, just get better soon or
else god help me im gonna fxcking care of u until ur better!!
Read, 4:25 PM

Okay, bro :)
Read, 4:28 PM

Kiyotaka was not sick.

Only sick of life.

Hopefully though, Mondo will forget about him.

Then, when he does eventually do it, nobody will care.

Hina !

Hina: Hey Taka are you okay?? We havent seen
you in class for what,, 3 days!!!
Read, 5:12 PM

I am perfectly fine, just sick.
Read, 5:14 PM

Hina: If you were 'perfectly fine' you would
be in school rn! People are worried Taka :(
Read, 5:18 PM

I doubt people are worried for someone like me.
Read, 5:23 PM

Hina: What do you mean by that?
Read, 5:25 PM

Hina: Taka??
Read, 5:27 PM

*You have blocked 'Hina !'*

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