The Taking

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Cover: missmiley24

Hands suddenly enveloped my waist as I screamed. He covered my mouth quickly.

"You're too skinny. Do you even eat?!" a deep, husky voice whisper-yelled at me. His body began trembling behind me as he pulled me flush to him. I was quickly spun around, throwing my equilibrium to the wind. I stumbled and my head was like a merry-go-round. I gripped onto the man's shirt as tightly as I could and his shaking stopped. Oh no. I've probably gotten all of his attention on me now. When my sense of balance returned somewhat, I pushed the man, shocking him, and his leg stepped backwards to support him. I used this is an advantage to run. A loud roar ripped from the alley way I escaped from as I bolted down the street.

It was currently nighttime, and I was debating whether or not to make a ruckus so people would help me. It would make too much noise, though, he'd get to me faster by knowing my exact location always.

I was slammed into a wall. Wait, I thought the walls out here were brick...? Why isn't my skin feeling the roughness? I looked up slowly. I was pressed with a lethal force to the man. He looked down at me with bright eyes fueled with fury.

"U-um..." I tried, clearing my throat. "Wha-what d-do you want from m-"

A furious growl escaped his lips. "I want nothing from you." His eyes drunk in my confused expression. He leaned down and tenderly whispered, "I want you."

Everything in my body froze. HE WAS GOING TO RAPE ME.

He gently placed his hand in my hair and began playing with it. I stood frozen. He growled. Like... really growled. Like an animal.


I looked up quickly, fear prominent in my eyes. I tried to step back, but he growled that viscous growl again and crushed me against him harshly. I gasped in pain. "Ow ow ow."

He quickly released me and held me at an arms length, inspecting me for damage. I used the distance to break free again. I began running down the street, this time screaming for help. No one came in time though.

I was slammed back into the man's chest. "DON'T YOU FUCKING RUN AWAY FROM ME."


A hand was forced over my mouth, so I bit it. I tasted his blood, and he growled, but didn't remove his hand. he leaned down and whispered angrily in my ear, "and don't bite me."

The sound of a door slamming open suddenly sounded through the streets. "What's that ruckus?!"

I screamed through the hand, but it was muffled and quiet.

"Time to go, babydoll."

I screamed into his hand once again as he swept me off my feet and ran. I closed my eyes tightly as tears began pooling in them. In the process, a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I heard a car door open and I was thrown inside along with him. Except, I landed on his body as he held me tightly to him. His hand no longer covered my mouth, so I screamed.

Everyone in the darkness of the car winced and a few cursed quietly. I felt bad. Which is nuts, but at least I didn't apologize.

I was suddenly turned to be straddling him and he stared at me intensely. I didn't look at him at all though. Big tears just continued to run down my face. He began shaking again.

I was crushed against his chest again as he whispered, "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you." His voice sounded broken.

Not as broken as I felt, though.

I began sobbing into his chest. He was the bad guy, sure, but he brought me comfort, and I wasn't willing to deny that right now. Not like I could go anywhere, either. After about five minutes, though, I sobered up and looked out the window. We were going fast, but not fast enough for me to not want to throw myself out. I placed myself correctly on his lap again and looked at the door lock. It was locked, naturally. I began gently fiddling with the door controls, and he was too busy nuzzling in my neck to notice. I slowly moved my shaking fingers to the lock and pulled it up, muffling the noise with my fingers as well. I waited a few seconds for him to react, but when he didn't, I slowly moved my hand to the door handle. His hands were to tight around me, though. I moved my other hand into his and gently took them off. He growled. I tried again and held his hand when he let go of my waist. His other hand went up to play with my hair. My hand shot out like lightening and opened the door, and without thinking, I jumped out. The pain was delayed. But that doesn't mean I didn't feel it.

My breath refused to come to me until the car screeched to a stop. Then my eyes went wide and I hopped off the ground and ran faster than I ever did before. I didn't think, which explains why I went into the woods. I refused to look back as I heard yelling and heavy, heavy footsteps. They were fast, too. Much faster than mine.

"Stop! Stop! You'll hurt her!"

A ferocious growl ripped through the woods and chilled me to my bones.

His growl.

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