The peach crunched lightly as my teeth pierced the skin, and the juices ran down my face a bit. I wiped them sloppily away and started on the second peach. Blade was staring at me, but his gaze was far away, like he was thinking of something he was truly dreading.
With two devoured peaches in a trashpile on my plate, I cocked my head to the right. "Bumblebee?"
His attention snapped to me. "What is it, babydoll?"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he growled out, sipping his coffee.
I rolled my eyes. "Don't be a moping girl."
In less than a second, he was inches from my face.
"You want to say that again?" he asked, all kindness hidden from his voice.
"You. Are. A. Mopey. Girl. Kind of like when she's on her period and doesn't get ice cream, really."
A thundering growl ripped from his chest, igniting the giggling from mine. I erupted in giggles as I hopped off of the chair and ran around the room, having an angry Bumblebee on my tail. I eventually collapsed from the laughter, and he tackled me. He pinned me down and lightly bit my neck, growling softly. My laughing suddenly died in me.
He's leaving tonight.
Whatever, it's fine. He'll be fine. He's just going to go beat up the bad guys and then come home soon. It'll be like a free time for me to do whatever when he isn't here. But how long will that be?
"How long are you going to be gone?"
His playful growls stopped, and he released my neck, looking at me with serious eyes. "I would expect about week."
"Oh. That's not too bad."
He didn't blink. He just stared at me with hard eyes.
"Fuck." He rolled off of me and walked to the couch, sitting on the edge of the seat, his head in his hands. I sat up, curious. "FUCK." He flipped the couch, punched the wall, threw the décor at the TV, and was starting to shift.
"Bumblebee!" I ran to him.
"I WILL NOT BE AWAY FROM YOU," his voice was like a thunderstorm just overhead.
"Shh, it's okay."
My eyes widened. "...what."
"You heard me," he said, now determined. "You're going to war with me."
okay... so I know it's been FOREVER since I've updated. and I know that last update was super cruel :l

Among the Peonies
WerewolfAnnabel McGromery is fragile. Small, quiet, and sweet, she stumbles upon the unfortunate presence of Blade Black. Blade is viscous, and nothing will change that. But when he finds his mate, and kidnaps her, can the sweet, fragile girl find it in h...