You guys have been asking for an update, so here it is! Be warned: SHORT AND IRRITATINGLY STOPPED AT THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT. I love you:)
His mirror-like eyes blazed at me, ironically, through the mirror. They were filled with warning of his wrath to come.
I couldn't get caught again! That was out of the equation. He'd never let me out of his sight, and everything else would be a mess. I would not get caught.
I kept it floored, shifting gears to give an advantage on my speed.
I glanced back, he kept up, but his eyes were even angrier, if possible. Really, his emotion was more than anger, more than rage, more than fury. I don't know what it was. But it was deadly.
Through the woods, a small glow of city lights could be seen in the horizon above the line of trees. If I could just get to the city, I'd buy myself enough time to easily escape. He couldn't be a werewolf among other humans. Glancing in the mirror, he seemed to notice this realization as well. A look of determination mixed with his eyes, and he sped his pace. This is impossible!
He was ready to lunge on the car when I eased on the brake just enough so I wouldn't flip when I swerved. He was disorientated from the movement for a second, before I could see his annoyance. I didn't see it long, though, because using that brake, I utilized my launch control. It didn't take much time with the Lamborghini for it to build up to about five thousand rpm, and that was enough for me to shoot like a jet when I released the brake. I could see the surprise on his face, then the anger, and in my whirlpool of heightened-by-adrenalin emotions, I laughed. I laughed hysterically, really. And before I knew it, I hit city limits. Glancing behind me, no wolf was seen. No man, no wolf, no black car, just stretches of skyscrapers and city lights.
An idiotic grin spread crossed my face. "Yeah!" I couldn't contain my happiness and I giggled like a little schoolgirl that got the only one-hundred percent on a test.
My joy was quickly wiped away with worry, though. I had no money! I was planning on taking a one-way ticket to my parents' house, but I couldn't afford it. I couldn't drive either, because, again, I had no money! Well, there was only one place I could go to get some cash, and that was my house. It would be risky, though, because Bumblebee... no! His name is Blade. I can't get too attached, but I already have.
Blade has probably already ran back to his house and got one of his cars to catch up and come through the city. Did he know where I lived? He kidnapped me walking home from the movie theater, so he couldn't know from that. However, Blade was the kind of person to look into me. He probably knows where I live.
I glanced at the clock.
I have about a ten-minute advantage, since he has to run back and drive here, which is about five minutes each way. That's enough time to grab some money and a few belongings.
I arrived at my townhouse. It was a pastel yellow, and absolutely adorable. I grabbed the spare key from the soil in the window-hanging garden. Wiping it off frantically, I shoved it into the keyhole.
I ran upstairs and grabbed my wallet. I stuffed a few of my favorite shirts and pants in a random bag, and snatched my contacts. These glasses were getting a bit annoying.
I practically ran out of the house, but not before glancing at the digital clock on the microwave. He'd be here any second!
I could've been deemed flying at the speed in which I made it into that car. As I pulled into the street, a midnight-colored Hennessy Viper entered the vision of my mirror. I lost him in the traffic, and illegally speeded for the airport.
I ran to the front desk, "are there any flights to North Carolina soon?"
She looked at me odd. Probably because I was heaving, sweating, and my eyes were frantic. "Um, yes." She checked her computer. "There's one in about forty-five minutes."
"That long?!" I ran my hands through my hair. "Do you have anything sooner that's close by?"
"No ma'am, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Um," I tried to think of anything. Thinking of it now, did I really want to get my parents involved? No. But they could protect me. My dad was a cop, after all. Where would I go if I didn't go to them? Well, somewhere unexpected. "What do you have loading like, right now?"
"Right now?" She was surprised. I would be too. I'm giving off sketchy vibes.
She checked her computer. "Well, preferably now, but it could be in like, two minutes?"
She gave me a look. "There's one to New York?"
I sucked air through my teeth. Too expensive, and not enough base there. "What else?"
"Uh, there's one to Los Angeles in ten minutes."
I guess that could work. It's still pretty expensive for my almost broke self, though. "Any more options?"
"North Carolina is the next closest thing."
"When does it leave again?"
She glanced at her computer. "It'll be about thirty minutes wait now."
I sighed. "Okay." I handed her my credit card and ID.
"North Carolina?"
I nodded. She began buying the tickets, but not before two hands grabbed my hips tightly.
"Oh, Babydoll, I've been looking for you."

Among the Peonies
WerewolfAnnabel McGromery is fragile. Small, quiet, and sweet, she stumbles upon the unfortunate presence of Blade Black. Blade is viscous, and nothing will change that. But when he finds his mate, and kidnaps her, can the sweet, fragile girl find it in h...